I have a new Storj account which I’d like to use to backup data from my TrueNAS ElectricEel-24.10.1 system. In Storj, I’ve created a new bucket. I’ve created a new access key for trueNAS where I granted Full Access.
Now in TrueNAS, when I try to define a new TrueCloud Backup Task, when I open the “Bucket” drop-down I can see my bucket in the list but it’s greyed out and not select-able.
You can request to apply the required value attribution via Support request: Submit a request – Storj DCS (available only for PRO account owners)
You can create a new bucket using Storj S3 credentials from the TrueNAS UI, then TrueNAS would allow you to select this bucket
You may configure a Generic S3 credentials and you will be able to select any bucket (however, the Generic S3 wouldn’t have additional parameters like a chunk size, which for Storj is better to have like 60MiB-64MiB to reduce costs on segments fee).
For pp.2-4 you would not be able to get an IX Starter Package, because to apply the value attribution to your account it must be PRO, but to use an IX Starter Package you need to upgrade from a free trial account, later it will not be available. The upgrade to IX Starter Package is available only if your account has an IX systems value attribution (which is not available for the regular Storj account).
They did. You may create a new bucket bucket from the TrueNAS UI and it will allow to select it, even if this is a usual Storj account without IX system value attribution (they would add it for that specific bucket).
This is does not help. There is no reason for them to create extra friction for users who want to use storj by disallowing to use buckets (let alone accounts) created the way user wants.
The actual reason is of course they half backed the solution and it was probably easier to add restrictions than properly design it to support proper access grants or at least encryption passphrase.
This “integration” was conceived by marketing and implemented enough to put a checkmark in marketing materials and formally satisfy partnership agreements.
In my personal opinion, as a long time TrueNas (over 7? Maybe 10? years) and Storj (over 2 years) user, the IX_Storj integration in TrueNAS, as of today, is an unusable counterproductive gimmick, that casts bad shadow on an excellent NAS OS, excellent rclone under the hood, and excellent storage service Storj. It shall be redone or removed asap.
It actually works, they add a needed tuning out of the box when you use a Storj S3 credentials rather than a Generic ones (you do not have a required options in the UI).
TrueNAS and Storj works better together. I’m very excited that we finally finished the restic integration to make TrueCloud Backup possible.