STORJ on Polygon?

Any plans for such support? It is better for micro transactions and small payouts. Would be best, actually, for any size SNO, especially the ones with multiple nodes.

That I read already or what concerns me there. Can set my storage nodes for zkSync payouts, but not sure, if I can swap the STORJ for ETH on zkSync and how, yet.

Do you have a souce for that? AFAIK they still payout on L1 - disregarding the minimum payout limit - if there is no active node running on a payout address.

I don’t have a quote, you can use the search feature on the forum yourself if you want to find it. But I can confirm they stopped doing terminal payouts below the threshold, mostly because node operators complained about limitations put on good operating nodes, but disqualified nodes being paid sometimes even just a few cents. If the L1 fees ever drop below the threshold, you will still get paid though. Maybe after the merge that will become more likely. But if the postponed payout is a low amount, you could be waiting a very long time.

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I am trying to, but the exchange I use does not support STORJ over zkSync. They support ETH over zkSync, so looking for ways to swap STORJ for ETH on zkSync… Testing out Numio, but it hangs and loads forever when I try to enable STORJ over zkSync, so I get a wallet and update my nodes. There, I guess, will be where I can swap it for ETH and send to my exchange, which has a pre-paid card associated with it, so I can spend on node expenses and whatever… So right now changing to zkSync (L2) does not make much sense for me. I can’t spend it anywhere and have to transfer to L1 with meta mask, which is double fees and… Blah! Any other solution to swap zkSync received STORJ for something else?

It is time we bring it on the table then. Polygon supports micro payments. It would be best that Polygon network gets implemented for payouts. This way everyone can receive even the tiniest amount on their smallest node. Node operators with multiple nodes and new operators could benefit from this greatly! This should become the hot topic here.

Let them know you want this by listing it in their payout info.

Thanks @o1eal, I stole your description from the zksync instructions and adjusted it. :wink:

GUI/binary (Windows or Linux)

If you’re running a graphic user interface version of Storj software, you need to update your config.yaml file to include:

operator.wallet-features: ["polygon"]


operator.wallet-features: ["polygon","zksync"]


If you’re using docker, modify the run command to include the text --operator.wallet-features="polygon" , as follows:

docker run ... storjlabs/storagenode:latest --operator.wallet-features="polygon"


docker run ... storjlabs/storagenode:latest --operator.wallet-features="polygon,zksync"


If you’re using docker-compose, add the following line to the docker-compose.yml file:

command: --operator.wallet-features="polygon"


command: --operator.wallet-features="polygon,zksync"

@littleskunk just to double check, are these the right formats for listing both?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I appreciate the laughs, but that was actually not a joke. You can list payout options you support to signal demand for it. It’s been suggested by Storjlings before.


And what if I have different wallets for Polygon and zksync? I guess I could import the one for Polygon to zksync. Will try…

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One hopes zksync doesn’t have similar bugs…

This is exactly my situation as well.

It really helps that your transfer is cryptographically ensured on the Ethereum blockchain within 10 minutes. So even if such bugs arise, it could only ever effect those transfers that haven’t yet been published back to Ethereum.

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That discounts the impact of such bugs on the token value itself. The link I posted indicated the bug cost Polygon $2 million USD. What if it had been much larger? It could have sent them broke in one go. I’m not sure the tokens held in private hands would retain the same value in the event of such a breach.

I really like “could have been” stories a lot… because they DID NOT HAPPEN AT ALL. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I was talking about zksync, which has no token itself.

Not only that, but it has one time token link fee and in the case of STORJ it seems to be about $30 and this is about what a node earns in a year with the current traffic, which is pure bs to me…

This was a major issue. ZkSync and polygon are just workarounds as long LPoS blockchains like Tezos are adopted.

Using zkSync or polygon only ends up in a gas fee disaster to swap from l2 to l1 and vice versa.

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Clearly it did happen in terms of costing Polygon $2 million bucks…

Not really. Exchanges accept ETH over Polygon. At least mine does. I would prefer to get paid STORJ via Polygon, sawp it for ETH, then send the ETH to my exchange over Polygon for staking/spending. Polygon has very low fees and even can handle micro payments.
And zkSync - I think do not like it as much anymore. Initial fee, transfer to L1 again… It does not make sense to me, unless exchanges, which issue pre-paid cards start supporting it.