STORJ on Polygon?

It means that instead of paying $60 fees to receive your node earnings, you can pay $0.02 fees or less to receive your node earnings. How?

  1. Receive STORJ tokens over Polygon network instead of ERC-20 - ETH mainnet.
  2. Swap your STORJ tokens for ETH on Polygon.
  3. Send your ETH tokens to your exchange wallet, which supports Polygon network.
  4. Stake your ETH or load your exchange connected pre-paid card to spend it.

Simple? Yes? Cheap? Yes. Flexible? Yes. I mean when you receive your STORJ over Polygon, you can do whatever else you want with it… The transaction will be much faster and much cheaper. That’s the point. It seems to be even better than the zkSync solution because NO EXCHANGE SUPPORTS IT AND EVENTUALLY YOU HAVE TO PAY TOKEN ACTIVATION FEE AND TRANSFER IT TO L1 WITH INSANE FEE, WHICH MAKES NO SENSE FOR MANY. Why receive on L2 when you have to pay a fee, then also pay another fee to transfer it to L1 instead of just receive it to L1 or better L2 solution… !? Right… zkSucks should be it’s name instead.
So, vote up this here - The Polygon L2 is several orders of magnitude easier from an end-user perspective

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