STORJ on Polygon?

@hoarder is trying to say that miners cant include non EIP1559 transactions if they are below the base fee. But they can be included if the pre 1559 fee is higher as the base fee as its internaly split in “tip = pre1559 fee - base fee”

And today Polygon failed again. Stay away from this crappy chain.

What’s the failure?

I don’t see anything strange going on in the blockchain or the transaction fees, gas prices, or general operation…

According to polyscan, the network is at around 50% usage and everything is running fine:

Was there another compromise, coding error, or something else?

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How exactly? :sunglasses: Please describe and show proof.

Ive transfered matic while the gas fees were over 1000 and it still only costed 0.1 sent to send it to my exchange… SO what failed?

For sure. Approve and SWAP time.
I can only show 9 min swap time. and bevore 10 min approve time you have to belive.

The network usage with Tokens is a mess.

But you said “Failed” If it still works doesnt that mean it didnt fail?

Ok let’s say it do not work how it expected. So 19 min swap time is for me not working.

I dont think theres an expected amount of time for a swap though.

Ok when you mean 19 min is OK then Polygon is not useful for DeFi

I dont see how that is a thing…It still has to do things over the blockchain. And it has to swap tokens for another token that is also over a blockchain. If the swap works then that is a Win no matter what you say you expect.

for monthly payouts i don’t see the problem with a 19 minutes delay :smiley: just saying… so long as fee’s are reasonable.

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What do you mean? You make a line in front of some store’s cash register because you decided to swap in the last moment? :crazy_face: :rofl:

We can’t because of legal requirements.


I love to see that it is now possible to get payed via the Polygon chain.
But the fees are still there, way less but not nothing. I would sugesst to look for a free chain with zero transaction fees. Vite for instance would be nice.
Let me know what you are thinking.
Regards :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum @hackschnitzel09 !

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Welcome to the forum @hackschnitzel09 !

This question comes up once in a while.
These are some of the past explanations for the current choices.