StorJ Select Requirements


As I don’t won’t to drag another Topic into this off topic, I will create a new one.

I have a Server in a ISO27001 certified datacenter
( This is my datacenter: Rechenzentrum | Racks, Colocation, Cloud-Dienste | WOBCOM )

But I saw on the apply form, that I have to enter a company name. Thing is I don’t own a company. Do I have to open a small business for that?

What are other requirements I have to meet. My server is able to store up to about 200Tb is this enough?

If needed I can post server specs too.

Thanks in advance


I don’t think that the select network has the same limits than the public network

It’s for the select network only not the public network

Have you filled the form yet ?

Fill all the required fields. Someone from Stroj will contact you on the email you provide. Then you and Storj can track the issue whether you need to register a company or anything else.

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In my opinion, as a customer that wants a “select” storage, I can’t track you (SNO) but I can send legal notices to a registered company. The keyword is compliance and security in case of unforeseen issues.


It’s still unclear what specific requirements a CNO needs to meet and whether individual certifications are necessary or if running a server in a certified data center is enough. It is up to Storj to define and set the requirements.

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I would expect, that you as the Server provider, are also ISO27001 certified.

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How can I as a person be ISO certified?

I think the commercial Network targets Datacenters directly. That’s why it asks for the facility certification. If you as a datacenter owner provide your servers to the commercial network then these servers are included in your certification.

In case of @MarviBiene they mange their own server. The datacenter has nothing to do with what happens on that server. They just provide the infrastructure. So that server is not included in the certification.

Maybe that is why a company is required. As I understand this certification does only make sense for larger companies. But that just means the target audience are not small companies or single persons.

If your single server were to fail, it might be a big hit for the commercial network. Since there are not so many servers in that network there might be requirements that exclude owners of just a single server.


Well they ask if the facility is ISO certified. So I don’t know.

But the Company name has a mandatory star. That’s why I think they will only accept companies. Maybe I can just fill out the form and see what they say? Or wait for an answer of a team member here?

But yes, I am a single person, that just owns a Rackserver with the capacity of 200 TB (at the moment just 100Tb are installed) so I don’t really know anything about the iso certification and the soc2 certification

Depends on how you want to calculate it. The server I am running anyway. StorJ was planned to compensate for running costs. So I bought first a 16Tb HDD and filled it.

Now I rebuild the server, so I can fit 12 Hdds and added 4 new ones. That increased the price about 10€/Month, because of the electricity costs. So I would say I pay 10€ to run StorJ.
At the moment my payout is about 20-30usd. So it pays for itself plus a bit of the cost I have to pay anyway.
And I am just using about 15Tb out of 100 now. Will see, how it looks later

Yes I pay a monthly fee for the server. But I use it for private stuff. So I am not calculating my cost that I would have to pay for that. I just calculate what I pay more for storj.

Yes. If your main reason is to rent a storage Server for just storj. Then don’t do it. It would cost you way more than you will ever get with StorJ. If I would just use my server for storj I would be in a very high deficit. So just don’t do that.

The SOC2 compliance is well described here:

The basic requirements are: having a certification and a robust hardware, everything else can be discussed with the team after you apply the form.
Providers are accepted based mostly on customers demands, thus there is no any hard requirements.

I would suggest you to fill the form, it may be a demand here and your server can be accepted. Everything can be resolved during negotiations.

Maybe to clarify: Can a SNO/server participate in the Public network and the Select network at the same time? And payment is also done with STORJ?

NO. They are strictly separated. Either public or Select, no way around.

Oh ok, so if I apply for the select network, I am not allowed to participate in the public network anymore? I thought, that I just get access to a special satellite then.
Either way, I applied for the select network. Looking forward for an answer.

No, you are not allowed, they are mutually exclusive. But you may ask when you would be contacted.

It would be very helpful if you let us know the answer.

I will try. I don’t know if they have an NDA in place. Could think of it, because I never read here anything from anyone with StorJ Select or everyone who participate in select is just shy🤷

I think it would by under NDA, but if not - you may share I believe.

I think they do not need to participate in the Community, because usually they are Enterprises or DCs, so they likely do business in another way. Not all as transparent as Storj, I think.