Storj setup docker error

Hi all,

Looking to setup a new storj node based on pi. following this guide:

I know my docker container works as I had other docker containers running. The instructions say I need to do a setup, so I run this command

docker run --rm -e SETUP=“true”
–mount type=bind,source="/root/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode",destination=/app/identity
–mount type=bind,source="/storj",destination=/app/config
–name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest

and get this

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:326: applying cgroup configuration for process caused: no cgroup mount found in mountinfo: unknown.

last time I ran on pi, I needed to docker a storagenode for specifically arm64, but looks like that went away.

I am stuck at this point.

false alarm, one more restart did the trick i guess

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Good afternoon, iit has been a while since i have used Docker for windows 10 i want to stop using the installer and go back to docker on my only current node and i get this error

help please

What steps have you taken so far?

well I have pulled latest image and docker run cmd

well something is wrong with the windows docker, I just created an new identity on a 2018 intel Mac mini and docker is running fine already getting data. I did get the following error on start up, failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: 208 kiB, wanted: 2048 kiB, got: 416 kiB). See UDP Receive Buffer Size · lucas-clemente/quic-go Wiki · GitHub for details.

Since Windows running Linux VM to run a docker, you will have this warning too. You also have it on your Mac.

If you want to migrate your Windows GUI node to the Windows Docker node, you need to stop and disable the storagenode service either from the Services applet or from the elevated PowerShell:

Stop-Service storagenode
Set-Service storagenode -StartupType Disabled

Then move data to storage subfolder in your path. For example, if you have your storage located in D:\Storj, then you need to move it to the storage subfolder (PowerShell):

mv D:\Storj D:\storage
mkdir D:\Storj
mv D:\storage D:\Storj\

Then run with your current identity and storage:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 -p 28967:28967 -p -e WALLET="0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -e EMAIL="" -e ADDRESS="" -e STORAGE="2TB" --mount type=bind,source="C:\Users\sorry2xs\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity\storagenode",destination=/app/identity --mount type=bind,source="D:\Storj",destination=/app/config --name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest

Perhaps you would need to generate config.yaml in the D:\Storj\ with the setup step once (but first make sure that you have all data in the storage subfolder!): Storage Node - Storj

thanks for the reply Alexey, i went lucas github but there are no cmd for windows or mac

still can get the new node running here is docker rum cmd I am using,–mount type=bind,source=“C:\Users\sorry\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity\storagenode”,destination=/app/identity --mount type=bind,source=“D:\storagenode”,destination=/app/config --name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest

Please, copy a whole error.

Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
— stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
2021-04-06T19:03:28.834Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “”}
2021-04-06T19:03:28.834Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “0x1a526eCA0C55ce1D65189546779481eA6ec67f49”}
Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
— stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory,this is a new node wiht new identity

Is it a new node or migrated one?
If it’s a migrated one, do you have config.yaml in the storage location?
Please, give me result of the command (PowerShell):

ls D:\storagenode

well again thanks, apparently Acronis is not what it is hyped up to be, I did a fresh install of windows 10 pro and docker version recommended in the docs and it is running fine for about 10 minutes.

I still need the buffer command for windows

A post was split to a new topic: How to increase the UDP Receive Buffer Size in the docker