Storj Town Hall September 11, 2024

Storj Town Hall September 11, 2024


Learn about our latest achievements, highlights, and what to expect from Storj in the coming months.

We hold Town Hall sessions regularly throughout the year to keep our community up-to-date on all the latest from Storj, our token practices , and to give the Storj Community the opportunity to ask questions and learn more.

Follow our YouTube , Twitter and LinkedIn accounts for the latest Storj news, updates and events.

If you have questions about the September 11, 2024 Town Hall please ask them in the replies below.


Is there anything about test data? I am looking forward to good news. :grinning:

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I have some questions about the storj token. As the last reserve ran out last quarter, what are the plans in the future? Will it be used in the future?

Will there be a big token buyback or is it planned to buy the needed tokens for SNO payouts every month? Or maybe added support for Fiat payout?

And are storage payments from customers in StorJ token considered in the flow report? Do they count to the “other” category?

Thank you


I have seen two or three and the information you give is always very generic. I don’t understand the point of this. Wouldn’t it be better to make the format more open to questions, for example? or to talk about a specific topic.

Thank you.

P L E A S E purchase better microphones for your presenters in these Town Halls. Or maybe just some popfilters :slight_smile:


I’m sure the problem is not a microphone; it’s audio bitrate from 1990ies dialup era.

Any of the teleconferencing apps can configure audio to Wideband mode and turn off various suppressors and compressors. Or just record the speech in advance!

Either way – there is no excuse to skimp on audio quality. Does not reflect well on the company – “how can they claim massive performance if they can’t manage few kbps of audio bandwidth.”…


Two more points, now that I finished listening:

  • no Q&A section even though there was an invitation to ask questions, and there are some questions in this thread.
  • There is no excuse not to record the monologues in the maximum possible quality.

The Q&A side of these town halls has always been quite weak, in my view.
Very few questions posed on this forum ever get acknowledged, let alone answered.
So far they’ve all been a bit of a disappointment for me, as an SNO…

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well, “the shoemaker’s children are ill-shod” i guess?


There are still 26M+7.6M STORJ token reserves.

Sincerely, I don’t know why they do it, is it any legal requirement that have to be done?

Yes i know that. They show in the 2Q24 Report, that they have 40M left:

But the last 40M wont hold long compared to the 60M they had 1Q24.

With the constan low Price of the StorJ Token the amount they have to pay is increased.

And its not wrong to know future plans for the Storj Token “way in advance”

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Video mentioned a 10PB customer going to onboard “this month”. Prepare your nodes folks! Good thing the recent test data was recently cleaned.


I’m already seeing more data ingress in the last 5 hours or so.

I am thinking about this for months now :wink:
There will be the day they are out of Token.

But i think thats no Problem because it’s only a utility-token.
If they have to buy back the Token and then immediatly calculate the payouts and send them to us it doesnt matter if the coin Costs 0,01$ or 10$.
It has no intrinsic value, it’s only a Tool.

But it was very nice to ramp up the project.
If the reserves are gone, storj has to be profitable. But I think there was huge process in the last years.

Of course there could be some Price-movements if they had to buy Token for the first time, i dont know.

BUT: I am sure they will use the token ongoing. Because if they dont (by creating a new Token or by using Fiat) they would disregard their own argumentation for years. And this would destroy their Trust irreparable.

Just my 2 Cents :wink: