Storj V3 Storage Node Setup Installer problem

I am unable to get the installer to finish in win 7 or 10.

Same error, different machines using the recent download.

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The minimum supported Windows version is Windows 8.

Please, give me 20 last lines from the logs: How do I check my logs? - Node Operator

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I am facing exactly same issue. I had it after all my 5 nodes denied to boot up on my win server 2019. Tried to reinstall everything but impossible. Now i moved all disks to a new VM with Win10Pro because i believed the Win Server 2019 was damaged somehow but nothing changes. the current MSI always fails with this message during installation. All my nodes are already suspended as i try to find a fix for days or weeks already. Please help. What you need to know to help solve this issue? Thank you in advance!

@Alexey would appreciate your help. Really disappointing to face this issue after i ran all my nodes with zero problems for many years… :frowning:

Haven’t had this error myself, but with googling the error message you will find multiple methods that might (might not!) fix the issue. One of them being running the installer as admin. Likely not the solution, but plenty more suggestions out there.

So you are trying to run 5 nodes within a Win10 VM? That sounds like a lot of problems ahead. There should be better options depending on the host OS.

Welcome to the forum @Jonas!

The thread topic is about installer not installing but you mention the node not starting. What did the log show for those node(s) ?

Hello @Jonas,
Welcome to the forum!

You need to search for errors in your logs: How do I check my logs? - Storj Docs
However, reinstallation is very rarely could solve any issue with the node. You might just check your logs to see why the node is not starting instead of reinstall, because there is a high probability to screw up everything, if you have had several nodes.

Windows VMs are not recommended, especially on VMWare on a Linux host. It’s preferable to setup the node on the host directly to do not have multiple issues later.

I researched that as well including this way to install as admin. Nothing of that solved that at all🥴 what is so confusing that the installer doesn’t even finish with all settings default and a fresh installed win10pro.

Will check that when at home! Thank you.

No problem at all with Toolbox. Ran it without any issue for 3+ years.

So your server 2019 was a VM too?

BTW: Toolbox can be used without using the installer for the first node.


I run a proxmox server with several VMs on it and unused disk space goes to storj. Works fine for many years on not just one server.

Thanks for this advice. Will try it! Thought the first one needs to be installed with the MSI installation. Will try it asap when at home

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ok, this was an important hint…I tried that again as i remembered that I’ve done that before and then had a message that showed up saying “Please install first node by Storj Installation file, and add it to dashboard”

But then it came into my mind that there might be a newer version of toolbox and so it was… found v1.9.2 and downloaded it. With that Toolbox i got so far 4 of 5 nodes back running.
That means the issue with the installer remains unresolved but i can work around it.

For all who are interested in the system below:

  • Proxmox 8.2.4
  • Win 10 Pro VM
  • 4x 4TB drives as LVM container given to the VM
  • Toolbox to run the nodes on the VM

Storj node is secondary use of this server system. Main purpose is running a DC, Active Directory, Nextcloud Server and storage sharing. The 4TB drives are from my old storage server and instead of wasting them in the shelf i just put them in the server and mine storj with them. As the server runs primarily for the other purposes, energy consumption is relative… sure the drives add up to the consumption but since i started mining I made more then >1000 tokens which is a fair revenue for harddrives that returned their invest already over many years of use.

I think we can see this issue as closed. Just need to figure out why the 5th node is not starting.

check logs for the answer.

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What i found is this:

2024-07-16T22:07:25+02:00	INFO	Anonymized tracing enabled	{"Process": "storagenode"}
2024-07-16T22:07:25+02:00	FATAL	Unrecoverable error	{"Process": "storagenode", "error": "open H:\\Storj\\trash\\.trash-uses-day-dirs-indicator: Die Datei ist vorhanden."}
2024-07-16T22:10:29+02:00	INFO	Configuration loaded	{"Process": "storagenode", "Location": "C:\\Program Files\\Storj\\Storage Node\\config.yaml"}
2024-07-16T22:10:29+02:00	INFO	Anonymized tracing enabled	{"Process": "storagenode"}
2024-07-16T22:10:29+02:00	FATAL	Unrecoverable error	{"Process": "storagenode", "error": "storagenode configuration already exists (C:\\Program Files\\Storj\\Storage Node)"}
2024-07-16T22:13:58+02:00	INFO	Configuration loaded	{"Process": "storagenode", "Location": "C:\\Program Files\\Storj\\Storage Node\\config.yaml"}
2024-07-16T22:13:58+02:00	INFO	Anonymized tracing enabled	{"Process": "storagenode"}
2024-07-16T22:13:58+02:00	FATAL	Unrecoverable error	{"Process": "storagenode", "error": "storagenode configuration already exists (C:\\Program Files\\Storj\\Storage Node)"}
2024-07-16T22:17:21+02:00	INFO	Configuration loaded	{"Process": "storagenode", "Location": "C:\\Program Files\\Storj\\Storage Node\\config.yaml"}
2024-07-16T22:17:21+02:00	INFO	Anonymized tracing enabled	{"Process": "storagenode"}
2024-07-16T22:17:21+02:00	FATAL	Unrecoverable error	{"Process": "storagenode", "error": "storagenode configuration already exists (C:\\Program Files\\Storj\\Storage Node)"}

you somehou instaled it ro main node locatina 2024-07-16T22:17:21+02:00 INFO Anonymized tracing enabled {“Process”: “storagenode”}
2024-07-16T22:17:21+02:00 FATAL Unrecoverable error {“Process”: “storagenode”, “error”: “storagenode configuration already exists (C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node)”}


There is also the file to protect your data:

If you are re-installing the main node (you do not need to do so in a first place, but I guess it’s too late…), you need to remove both:

  1. This folder:
  1. This file

Before the next attempt to install the first node.

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