Storj volatility, can you really just buy on payment day and sell before payment day

Storj volatility, can you really just buy on payment day and sell before payment day…

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Seems historically that you can, but you wouldn’t be making any large margin.

In my case i was lucky enough to sell at over 40 cents.

The question is about the value of the token and if it should appreciate or if it is just a utility token to facilitate transactions (in which case why would it increase in value)

I bring this question up because my storj lost 30% this week
(Yes I have some that I didn’t give away)

I keep all my funds distributed among at least 4 currencies. They all go up and down from time to time but that’s fine. It’s a volatile and risky investment but that’s the intention. STORJ might lose 30% this week and rise 50% next week… I made the mistake to sell STORJ at $0.10 because I thought it wouldn’t rise much anyway… boy was I wrong…
But if you want to be “safe” and get your USD value, you can exchange your monthly income into TUSD and keep it tied to USD.

I guess the only reason that could make STORJ tokens rise, like a lot, would be for StorjLabs to get as famous as big names (Amazon, Google…)