STORJ windows service stays down

storagenode uses p2p communications (data is transferred directly between your node and the customer, which can have any IP and any port), so you should allow to connect to any host and any port from your PC or do not have any outbound rules enabled.
You need to allow to connect from any host and any port to the TCP 28967 and UDP 28967 ports and IP of your PC.

Please do not specify the source port in any firewall rules, because they can be literally any. Basically you should not have any outbound rules or disable them or create another one to allow to connect to any address and port from your PC. And you need only two allowance inbound rules - for TCP and UDP ports of your node.
If you would like to connect to your dashboard from other devices you may use How to remote access the web dashboard - Storj Node Operator Docs or [Tech Preview] Multinode Dashboard Binaries