[Tech Preview] Multinode Dashboard Binaries

We published the first binaries for the multinode dashboard on Github Release v1.34.3 · storj/storj · GitHub. Please test them and let us know if you have any issues. The main objective of this test is to find out if the binaries are working on different operating systems and setups. If you are able to add a storage node and can see it on the multinode dashboard I would call that success. We can also start to look for some wrong numbers on any of the pages. For example, the payout page still looks suspicious to me but I don’t have a good storage node to verify that.

Setup new multinode
If you haven’t run the multinode dashboard before please download and unzip the multinode dashboard for your operating system from Github. Setup the multinode dashboard with the following commands:

identity create multinode --difficulty 1
multinode setup
multinode run

Migrate old multinode
If you have run the multinode dashboard before you can migrate your old config file. Please open your old multinode config file and remove or comment out console.static-dir. The binary includes these files and it could cause some issues if you keep using your self-compiled static dir.

Add a storage node using Multinode UI
By default, the multinode dashboard will be running on port 15002. To add a storage node to the dashboard you also need to generate an API key together with some other information. You can get it all with the following command.

storagenode info --config-dir <insert your storage node config dir here>

Add a storage node using CLI
If you have to add a few more storage nodes to the multinode dashboard you might want to use the command line. The storagenode info command can print out json format. You pipe the json output directly into the multionode add command like this:

storagenode info --json --config-dir <insert your storage node config dir here> \
| multinode add --config-dir <insert your multinode config dir here> -

If the multinode dashboard is running on a different machine you can exchange the json output with a text file. Checkout the --help output of both commands for more usage examples.


Do the storage nodes have to be on the same device as the Multinode dashboard?


This might sound like dumb but since the multi node dashboard has its own certificate. Can I run on a dedicated System separate from any storage node?


The multinode dashboard will connect to the storage node port that you are forwarding already. Just use your external IP or DDNS and it should work fine. Don’t share the API key.


Trying to run this as docker exec -it storagenode /app/storagenode issue-apikey --config-dir /PATH_TO_CONFIG_DIR --identity-dir /PATH_TO_IDENTITY_DIR

and getting file or directory not found: open /PATH_TO_IDENTITY_DIR/storagenode/identity.cert: no such file or directory"

Don’t know why, the path is correct and identity.cert exists.

With docker you need to mount your config dir like you do for the storage node. For the api command you will have to put in the path inside the docker container.

Edit: I think the path inside the docker container is even a default value so you might be able to just not specify it at all.

Without anything it complained with a default path starting with /root/ so I though it might be the path outside the docker.

Now with simply docker exec -it storagenode /app/storagenode issue-apikey --config-dir config --identity-dir identity --log.output stdout it seems that I got an API key.


Still weird. I cannot add anything. When I press the button saying “Add Node” it does not do anything.

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Ye I have the same issue

I got it to work forgot to add the :28967

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Lol. Thanks! :grin: :+1:
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This might sound as a weird question but is there a way to expose the Multinode to internet or just local lan

I was unsucesssful of adding a node to the multimode dashboard with windows, Getting error nodes web api controller: node is not reachable: rpc: When trying to add.

2 possible reasons.

  1. You enter the wrong storage node port. The multinode dashboard would like to contact the same port as you advertise to the satellite.
  2. NAT loopback. Try to ping your storage node address. If your router doesn’t support NAT loopback you might need to use your internal host name or ip address instead.

I triple checked this, The IP and port are correct because this is the only Node that is running on the newest binary.

I block being able to ping my IP address not sure that even matters since the sat can connect to it.

I got a different node to work, I will keep seeing if I can find a cause.

It does matter if you try to add that storage node on a multinode dashboard that is running in the same LAN. That requires NAT loopback or use the internal host name or ip address. The missing NAT loopback doesn’t matter for the satellite or a multinode dashboard that is running outside your LAN. They would be able to connect. NAT loopback affects only setups in the same LAN.

So you saying if any node is on the same network as the pc running the mulinode it wont work?

Nevermind I get it I just have to use the local IP in order for it to work.

Without NAT loopback this ^
If you have NAT loopback you don’t have that problem at all.

I see that issue that “Disk Space Used this month” is always 0 despite the graph showing activity.
Also the node dashboard shows different size of the node compared to the multi node dashboard.
The drop downs for node selection are not really user friendly to scroll to the desired node.
Also the node selection drop downs should contain a way to select multiple nodes at the same time. Currently you can only select “all” nodes or a single one.

One thing I want to see so far though everything is working great but I need dark mode for my eyes…