Changelog v1.34.3

For Storage Nodes

Multinode Dashboard Bandwidth & Disk Page
The multinode dashboard is getting closer to the finish line. It is now showing bandwidth and disk space. Up next we are working on the reputation page.

Multinode Dashboard Binaries
We would like to publish the binaries for the multinode dashboard with the next release. We have a set of test binaries ready. Please help us testing the binaries on different operating systems and setups. [Tech Preview] Multinode Dashboard Binaries

For Customer

Paid Tier
Every new customer starts with a free tier limit of 3 projects with 50 GB each. By adding a credit card you get an automatic upgrade to the new paid tier. It contains a higher limit of 3 projects with 25 TB space and 100 TB download traffic each. In total 75 TB space and 300 TB download traffic.
Note: The automatic upgrade only works for credit cards. If you want to pay with STORJ token you still need to contact support for a limit increase.


I think this is a great adjustment for customers, so they see immediate feedback when they enter card details.


hmm, why is my node not updating to v1.34.3? :thinking:
not automatically nor manually.


Hmm, this question gets asked so often, I wonder if we should put it in FAQ… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Doubt anyone would read it anyways.

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Congratulations on having a minimum of 20 characters to post.

It’s added. As you can see - didn’t help either until I explicitly placed the answer from FAQ.
Maybe worth to add it to every Changelog :thinking:


Yeah, I was kidding. Must make the font significantly larger. Embiggen it until it is no longer asked!

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You know… I can tell you from experience that that doesn’t work. The message on the earnings estimator that I don’t grant edit rights was essentially screen filling, bold and red and people still didn’t read it.


You didn’t embiggen enough! :grin:

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Audit scores dropping on ap1; nodes at risk! ERROR piecedeleter could not send delete piece to trash >> Pieces error: v0pieceinfodb: sql: no rows in result set

A post was split to a new topic: My uptime should be 100% on all satellites i have not gotten any uptime robot notifications of downtime in months

A post was merged into an existing topic: My uptime should be 100% on all satellites i have not gotten any uptime robot notifications of downtime in months

A post was merged into an existing topic: My uptime should be 100% on all satellites i have not gotten any uptime robot notifications of downtime in months