My uptime should be 100% on all satellites i have not gotten any uptime robot notifications of downtime in months

i am glad am not the only one with this issue my uptime should be 100% on all satellites i have not gotten any uptime robot notifications of downtime in months and this machine only does one storagenode 25 TB.

Would you mind to provide dashboard from the uptimerobot?

And also, please, provide result of the command:


foreach ($item in ((Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:14002/api/sno).Content | ConvertFrom-Json) {
    ((Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:14002/api/sno/satellite/$item).Content | ConvertFrom-Json) |
        Where-Object{$_.totalCount -ne $_.onlineCount} | ForEach-Object{Write-Host $item; $_ | Format-Table -AutoSize}


for item in `curl -sL http://localhost:14002/api/sno | jq '.satellites[].id' -r`; do
    curl -s http://localhost:14002/api/sno/satellite/$item | \
    jq '{id: .id, auditHistory: [[] | select(.totalCount != .onlineCount)]}'

See GitHub - AlexeyALeonov/online-score


As you can see, your uptime is 99.989% for the last 7 days.
Itā€™s pretty match to what you see on the dashboard.
You also can check what exact days and how long your node was offline on the uptimerobot site.
With provided scripts you can check this information with your storagenode too (but only roughly - they would show your dates when that happened, not the exact time and not how long, but you can divide 12 hours interval on number of audits and multiply to number of success checks, you will get a rought estimation regarding time since the timestamp in the report).

itā€™s very difficult to keep it at 100% even updating takes timeā€¦
and there are only 720 hours in a monthā€¦ so even 7 minutes of downtime will be 0.01% loss of the 100.00%

on top of that you get 2 updates every month giving you less than 3 minutes of DT for each to keep at like 100% not sure when it rounds up from like 99.95% or whateverā€¦

then because uptime is measured by audits, storagenodes with less data will have higher granularity in the estimated uptimeā€¦ because thats what it is ā€¦ and estimateā€¦

if the node has enough data it will be highly accurate to within like a few minutesā€¦
if the node has limited data then you might lose 5 - 10% or even more just for random chance by getting an audit when the node is down and because its rare to get audits that breaks a larger time frameā€¦ window or whatever its calledā€¦

so best you can possibly hope for is 99.99% and then it will be rounded up to 100%
else random chance might take you to 100% ā€¦ .but itā€™s really a near impossible stateā€¦

realisticā€¦ 99.95% online score and you should be very happyā€¦ if your online score keeps dropping you have a problemā€¦ if it keeps around 90-100% you most likely donā€™t have any issue aside from regular maybe instability issuesā€¦ even a single reboot a month will set you back but a bitā€¦ and on some servers one might not even notice its in a cycle of crashing and reboot

but 97% isnā€™t badā€¦ basically just means you rebooted if its smaller nodesā€¦ some will have 100% others will have 97% or whateverā€¦ quite randomā€¦ with limited stored data for a sat

well here is a new screen shot of what the dashbord is displaying, now saltlake sat. has always been a poor performer.

Please, read How is the online score calculated? - Node Operator to understand, how it works.


I had an issue with my NW provider around Christmas, where I was left without internet for almost 1 day. However, as you can see from the screenshot below at the moment my percentages are still in RED and NOT at 100%. I noticed this after some of the updates, but I donā€™t remember at which version. Those percentages are like hung for weeks. Do i have to restart the node for the % to refresh?


TLDR - Online score is for 30 days. Keep online for 30 days and the score will return to 100%.


OK but i have been up for more than 2 weeks now and those percentages havenā€™t moved at all. previously after 3 4 days of being online they cleared out or at least started going up towards the 100%. Something was changed or I am mistaking ?

One single offline event affects the Online score for a full 30 days. There is no way around this fact.

The Audit and Suspension scores have shorter lives and are dynamic, so they can change by the minute if an audit failure occurs but is then followed by multiple successful audits.


OK, I understand. But this did not work like that. Something changed. That is what i am asking. What was the change?
I am a StorJ operator for more than 3 years an i have these drops of my internet connection at least 3 or 4 times per year. So I am 100% sure that the program did not react the same way in the past compared to right now.

You can check when your node was offline with these scripts

And when 30 days will pass from the last downtime, it should recover.

OK, here is the output:

PS C:\Windows\system32> foreach ($item in ((Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:14002/api/sno).Content | ConvertFrom-Json) {

((Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:14002/api/sno/satellite/$item).Content | ConvertFrom-Json) |
    Where-Object{$_.totalCount -ne $_.onlineCount} | ForEach-Object{Write-Host $item; $_ | Format-Table -AutoSize}


windowStart totalCount onlineCount ----------- ---------- ----------- 2022-12-15T00:00:00Z 15 14

windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-15T12:00:00Z 20 18


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T00:00:00Z 19 2


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T12:00:00Z 34 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-17T00:00:00Z 38 3


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T00:00:00Z 16 15


windowStart totalCount onlineCount ----------- ---------- ----------- 2023-01-03T12:00:00Z 32 28

windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-15T00:00:00Z 14 13


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T00:00:00Z 22 1


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T12:00:00Z 18 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-17T00:00:00Z 18 1


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T00:00:00Z 16 15


windowStart totalCount onlineCount ----------- ---------- ----------- 2023-01-03T12:00:00Z 37 32

windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-15T00:00:00Z 17 15


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T00:00:00Z 12 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T12:00:00Z 23 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-17T00:00:00Z 16 2


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T00:00:00Z 22 19


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T12:00:00Z 18 16


windowStart totalCount onlineCount ----------- ---------- ----------- 2022-12-15T00:00:00Z 7 5

windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-15T12:00:00Z 8 6


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T00:00:00Z 7 2


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T12:00:00Z 16 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-17T00:00:00Z 11 1


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T00:00:00Z 11 10


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T12:00:00Z 14 13


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-13T12:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-14T00:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-15T00:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-17T00:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-18T12:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-20T00:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-20T12:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-21T00:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-22T12:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-24T12:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-26T12:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount ----------- ---------- ----------- 2022-12-27T12:00:00Z 2 0

windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-28T12:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-01T00:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T12:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-04T00:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-05T00:00:00Z 1 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-08T12:00:00Z 2 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-14T12:00:00Z 27 26


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-15T00:00:00Z 26 24


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-15T12:00:00Z 26 23


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T00:00:00Z 21 1


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-16T12:00:00Z 38 0


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2022-12-17T00:00:00Z 40 3


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T00:00:00Z 32 29


windowStart totalCount onlineCount

2023-01-03T12:00:00Z 33 29

it is a bit messy and i donā€™t quite understand it

It has always worked like that. Itā€™s just the percentage of online time in the past 30 days. So until your downtime ages out of that, you wonā€™t see that number increase. Itā€™s nothing to worry about though, just keep your nodes online and itā€™ll resolve itself after youā€™ve been online for 30 days.

Edit: Scrolling through your results, you seem to consistently have offline checks in every window. totalCount - onlineCount should be 0 normally. Youā€™re missing the most recent days in your post though. Is this now resolved?


Here is what can be seen at the moment:

so where can i see the offline message? i mean what in the script will tell me, when a node was offline?

i think i understood what you mean.
Does that script show only the days when you have issues? Because my issue could be resolved on 3rd of January. Because i donā€™t see messages after that. But that is a bit disappointing that all should remain like that until 3rd of February.

Yeah, it does. I should have looked at that better. So it seems you have indeed resolved the issues since then.

Your offline score doesnā€™t impact anything unless it drops below 60% though, so I wouldnā€™t worry about it being low for 30 days. Itā€™s just a cosmetic annoyance. (I know that can still be annoying, Iā€™m dealing with something similar right now due to a hardware failure.)

yes, that red % really puts me down. :frowning:

anyway, i will wait 2 or 3 more weeks and if it does not improve i will dropa a message here again.

thank you for clarifying the topic to me.