In the ‘Common use cases’ it talks about using Tardigrade for Multimedia streaming
I’ve been trying to get this working. I DID previously have video streaming directly from a Tardigrade share URL but this no longer seems to work - instead I’m given a page with a download button now.
but that basically streams THROUGH a server, which to me defeats the whole purpose of streaming from Tardigrade - i.e. incurs bandwidth costs @ Tardigrade AND wherever my server is hosted.
Surely it must be possible to create a read-only share URL that will stream if used in an embedded Video player? If not, then I’d say that Common Use case needs to be removed because Tardigrade does NOT actually function for streaming video
You cannot stream directly from tardigrade network without a proxy (your own server or a service provided - share link). This is because storj is using drpc (fork of grpc) which cannot be interacted with from browser. I think only use case tardigrade network has right now that does not require browser. I hope they resolve this issue soon and support direct interaction with nodes through browsers. That is when we will see huge adoption - that is were the biggest market is.
I am trying to view a file in the browser with ?view, but this doesn’t seem to be working anymore. Trying it the ?view way, it auto-downloads instead of opening in the browser (I’ve tried Chrome, Firefox, and Edge on Windows 10). Is there a new way of opening files now?
I’ve found this to be very dependent on the video encoding and the browser. Although it could also be a storj issue where the HTTP header is showing content-type: application/octet-stream instead of content-type: video/mp4 for streaming.