Sorry I went into the wrong path, but still things won’t work.
Here is a screenshot.
PS C:\Users\dhiwa\Downloads\storj_earnings-master\storj_earnings-master> cd C:\Users\dhiwa\Downloads\success_rate-master\success_rate-master
PS C:\Users\dhiwa\Downloads\success_rate-master\success_rate-master> ls
Directory: C:\Users\dhiwa\Downloads\success_rate-master\success_rate-master
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
-a---- 11/03/2020 19:12 247
-a---- 11/03/2020 19:12 3251 successrate.ps1
PS C:\Users\dhiwa\Downloads\success_rate-master\success_rate-master> ./success_rate.ps1 -Path “$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storagenode.log”
./success_rate.ps1 : The term ‘./success_rate.ps1’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file,
or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and
try again.
At line:1 char:1
- ./success_rate.ps1 -Path "$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/storag …
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (./success_rate.ps1:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
PS C:\Users\dhiwa\Downloads\success_rate-master\success_rate-master>