Sustained 200mbps ingress

I haven’t received data from north Europa 1 since yesterday night. It’s normal? from the others, but very little.

network reconfiguration we think… everybody is affected… time to check your data or drive integrity
and whatever else resource heavy maintenance you need to deal with…

I have 0 error in log file and the drive is non heavy load for my three nodes. so for now I’m not having problems but only a sharp drop in ingress and egress

its normal storj is reconfiguring the network… it will pass… make good use of the time… :smiley:

I just search my node logs for the word upload. The most recent entry is:
2020-05-14T22:46:36.437Z and the time of this writing is aprox 2020-05-15T22:44:36.134Z

In other words, I’ve received no ingress activity at all for any satellite for the last 24 hours. I guess they went with plan B for the moment (keep it enabled but reduce the number of uploads.).

yes, looks like all of that massive test data ingress from Europe-North has stopped for the time being. At least half of the PUT traffic my nodes have seen for the past day are PUT_REPAIR, and almost all GETs are GET_REPAIR. Makes me wonder if that’s part of a new test being executed or if all of that traffic is always there, just not as diluted from the massive test data ingress we’ve seen for the past few days…

I just increased my storage limit and restarted my node and now I’m getting some uploads. Maybe my node was just full. Oops. The dashboard said I had 10GB of space available but I should have remembered that it is not always accurate.

Edit: something else that is weird, I increased the storage limit by 1 gig and the log is now showing that I have 3259223472 bytes free space (3 gigs). Maybe restarting it causes garbage collection to run sooner than it normally would have.

GET_REPAIR has increased, but it has always been there.

I guess nods are still being disqualified for failed audits and the data needs to be repaired.

Similar with PUT_REPAIR

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Does that first graph show a spike in audits near the end?

Yes. There are more audits now.

I still do not receive data neither ingress nor egress nor repair. Just a few audits. 24 hours have now passed. it’s possible?

Of course, moreover - it’s normal.
Make sure that it is online, not suspended and not disqualified.

No, my nodes are online 24/7. They are on Server Esxi on VM with datastore on HP storageworks.

Thanks for Reply

i’m getting minimal uploads and some downloads… but the downloads aren’t a good thing… kinda shot my OS in the head today and keeled it dead… apparently dd command streaming gigabytes of data onto random disks doesn’t allocate to the unallocated space lol

so now the satellites are insulted over my dt and want what data they consider important… so not good… but hey i could have killed the node… nearly did it also got a buckshot of 4gb of 0’s but the redundancy took it… lol

Traffic is down for me pretty much exactly since midnight 14.05 to 15.05… even though I have 2 nodes running I never saw the uptake, maybe because located in Amsterdam.

This looks like what I am seeing since around 6th of May.

yeah, mine had a brief drop on around the 6th and then dropped completely again a few days ago…
very similar tho the total low activity time is quite different…

dead as a storagenode

same here, is this kind of thing habitually.

what´s the more common behavior, ¿the actual? since I´m not vetted, I´m assuming it´s normal for me to have almost none traffic, but seeing senior SNO with such graphics it´s not very tranquilizing.

Wait till they upload 1 TB, then delete it :smiley:
You get paid nothing for ingress and deletes unfortunately.


There seems to be an issue with node selection, tests were stopped in the mean time. I don’t think many people would have seen the jump in traffic. Most probably saw a drop instead. And since tests have stopped everyone saw a drop. The point is, low or no traffic isn’t a problem, there are scenarios in which that will happen. You only need to worry if your node is offline or failing audits. If it isn’t, just leave it be and wait for more data to come in later.