Synology app help

Thank you. I have installed it to test and I have some problems, I better hope. Greetings and thanks again.

hopefully they fix it and hopefully there’s no more bugs it gonna break it.

need to change the user-interface make it more user friendly.

Hey all,

Does anyone know if the developers of the app are aware of the issue and are in the process of rectifying?

Have the same problem with the address, and am trying to work out my next move as to setting it up. The more technical programming way has my limited time stretched.


Sorry, just did some more research. They are aware and a patch will be available next Tuesday.

Yes, they are and will fix it soon.

they haven’t even update it yet it’s been more than a month

Now it’s gone from the side. That’s too bad. I have been told that the update is due in the last 2 weeks of May.

We decided to pause the development of the Synology app. Instead of working on trying to support 4 different NAS devices at once, we decided to support 1 and when we get it to a stable state we will port it over to the other 3. We are just working on QNAP for now.

Unfortunately this means there will be a significant delay for a Synology alpha, but on the plus side when we do release it a bunch of the issues will already be worked out.

We appreciate your patience.