Tardigrade forum?

The main difference would mostly just be the name. It would be easier for a new Tardigrade user to find, especially if they don’t consider themselves to be an engineer. It would focus on use of the Tardigrade software and maybe the Tardigrade website. The engineers can talk about engineering in the Engineer Discussions. The conversations that take place inside the Tardigrade section would be similar to what’s already in the engineer section since that’s where the Tardigrade conversations presently occur. You could make the new section just like the Storage Node Operators forum category except call it Tardigrade or Tardigrade users. The Tardigrade section could have topics of getting started, faq, troubleshooting, just like the sno section. Perhaps leave the subcategories of storjlings, design draft, and performance in the engineer section where they currently are. Maybe pin your getting started post to the top of the new section (New to Tardigrade? Start here) Btw, I don’t think your getting started post is currently pinned to the top of the engineering section, but it seems like it should be if that’s the only Tardigrade area for now. It’s down around page two on my screen.

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