Tardigrade Self-Promotion

Where is the tardigrade/storj chicken and egg problem? (Too many SNOs vs too many tardigrade users)

Logically it would be in every SNOs best interest to promote tardigrade to increase usage and payouts. We wouldn’t want to promote it too heavily if the network is saturated though.

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How about a variable incentive scheme:–

Hi SNOs + low tardigrade demand = incentive to promote tardigrade.

Hi tardigrade demand + low SNOs = incentive to promote storj.

Maybe the incentive could be an increase in reputation?


TL;DR - I think it should be for and by those that actually needs and uses tardigrade…

no doubt SNO’s promoting tardigrade is a fine idea…

personally tho, i wouldn’t even consider it… i only plan on being a SNO… so i have no clue about how to even approach starting to promote tardigrade… i’m sure there should be something like that in place from a tardigrade perspective of the platform…

not sure why a SNO would be qualified to promote the tardigrade product… even if we serve as the backbone of it… also into such considerations comes stuff like who is the actual customer storj wants to target… marketing strategy …

sure if they can make use of some clever marketing, and if they need it…
they may simply be happy that they haven’t had an overwhelming amount of customers rush in, because it gives them time to put the finishing touches on the system… and if they are seeing enough growth, i’m sure they aren’t worried…

often companies that has immense growth over short time, can run into the risk of growing so fast their structure becomes unmaintainable in a steady state…

but yeah sure people that know stuff about tardigrade could promote it… but i don’t think it would be an advantage to have SNO’s without any knowledge about the system promote it just for the sake of getting small bonuses… that may cause more harm than good…

anyways, not that i want to bash the idea… just from my knowledge about tardigrade, which almost ends at spelling the name… i don’t see how i would even justify it to myself promoting it…

saw a few minutes about tardigrade at one point… sounded like it was very much minded on software engineers… so it’s not like one can just promote it to everybody either…

or one could… and people will go try it… and if it is meant for software engineers then the avg consumer will most likely have a terrible experiences can that leads to bad consumer views which spreads… and ends up doing the polar opposite of what was intended…

a few thought’s on the subject… not to bash the idea.

but then again i really hate advertisement… i mean loath…

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I’m not suggesting SNOs buy newspaper advertisements.

I am suggesting word of mouth more or less. If you’re at work and discussing offsite backup solutions, promote Tardigrade as a confidential and cheaper drop-in alternative to S3.

If you’re in a forum and someone mentions needing backups, or cloud storage, mention Tardigrade.

When you tell someone RAID is not a backup, say “but Tardigrade is.”


i’m just saying i couldn’t explain tardigrade stuff to save my own life…
sure if people understand it, they could recommend it to others… but i also don’t think people that got no clue about it should be pushing it, even if they are SNO’s…

Oh i see you changed the title :smiley:

is it tho?

is tardigrade a backup solution… ?
to my understanding that’s not what it is…

Tardigrade can be used as a target for backups. I do this for my own system backups actually using restic (and rclone).

Tardigrade has some nice qualities as a backup target. For me the most valuable is that it spreads the data out geographically. This makes for a good disaster recovery situation.


Have I got hold of the wrong stick? … I thought Tardigrade was like our customer or at least the customer facing part of the system.

Who is it that is paying to store the data that SNOs have?