Tardigrade status page

@jocelyn do you have any update?

not yet – i did ask, let me go pester someone again

@BrightSilence definitely did a good job explaining the reasoning for why we are where we are!

Storj Labs is running two things:

  1. A community-run storage network, where we pay storage node operators for storing data for us.
  2. A cloud storage service, Tardigrade.

We offer Tardigrade users an SLA that has specific language about our uptime, availability, and reliability. This SLA is only offered on Satellites users can sign up with on www.tardigrade.io and only to users storing data on those Satellites. Indeed, currently, no one can sign up for saltlake or europe-north-1, so they are not protected by our SLA.

So, the first priority for us has been to establish this SLA for people who want to store data on Tardigrade-the-service. status.tardigrade.io is precisely for this SLA-level communication for the satellites users can create user accounts on.

An upcoming priority for us is to clarify our goals around availability as seen by storage node operators. We’ve started to do this but we haven’t done it yet! Our current SLA is around data storage, and our relationship with storage node operators is obviously different, so we need to think through that. We just had a meeting about this last week, so this is a topical question for sure.

So, perhaps you have feedback for us? One option on the table we’ve been discussing is something like a separate status.storj.io to represent the status of the wider network, as seen by storage node operators, and not just users on www.tardigrade.io. If we listed all of the satellites we pay SNOs for, and not just the ones protected by Tardigrade-user SLAs, on a different network status page (as opposed to a Tardigrade service page), would that be acceptable?

To @BrightSilence’s point, we don’t want to conflate test-Satellite downtime with potential confusion around SLA impacts.


I think that would be sufficient and a good solution for tardigrade users and SNOs

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Thanks a lot for explain!

I think it will be the best way, and have a status page with Tardigrade and NOT Tardigrade satellites will help determine the current status of a network.

Why I created this topic: I saw planned downtime topic of saltlake.tardigrade.io and after some time I go to the status page for check the status of maintenance, but not see that satellite on the list (it a test satellite). But I also not see europe-north-1.tardigrade.io and I created this topic with thinking that we missing on of tardigrade satellites on this page. So, now it clear, europe-north-1.tardigrade.io - is a NOT a Tardigrade satellite and the name *.tardigrade.io doesn’t mean that is satellite is Tardigrade.

Thanks, @jocelyn for taking care about make it clear!


do you have any update?