Tardigrade status page

Hi Storj Team,

I would like to pay your attention to tardigrade status page

As you can see, this page includes only 3 satellites, but we have more than 3.

Please add all tardigrade satellites to the status page.


isn’t a couple of the sats only test related… that may be why they are not there…
but yeah no clue here… just saying

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There are only 3 satellites used by actual customers. The others are for testing or own projects like gitbackup.


It very interesting…
Let’s look into trust-cache.json

  "entries": {
    "https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites": [
        "SatelliteURL": {
          "id": "12EayRS2V1kEsWESU9QMRseFhdxYxKicsiFmxrsLZHeLUtdps3S",
          "host": "us-central-1.tardigrade.io",
          "port": 7777
        "authoritative": true
        "SatelliteURL": {
          "id": "12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs",
          "host": "europe-west-1.tardigrade.io",
          "port": 7777
        "authoritative": true
        "SatelliteURL": {
          "id": "121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6",
          "host": "asia-east-1.tardigrade.io",
          "port": 7777
        "authoritative": true
        "SatelliteURL": {
          "id": "118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW",
          "host": "satellite.stefan-benten.de",
          "port": 7777
        "authoritative": false
        "SatelliteURL": {
          "id": "1wFTAgs9DP5RSnCqKV1eLf6N9wtk4EAtmN5DpSxcs8EjT69tGE",
          "host": "saltlake.tardigrade.io",
          "port": 7777
        "authoritative": true
        "SatelliteURL": {
          "id": "12rfG3sh9NCWiX3ivPjq2HtdLmbqCrvHVEzJubnzFzosMuawymB",
          "host": "europe-north-1.tardigrade.io",
          "port": 7777
        "authoritative": true

Each satellite has *.tardigrade.io name and "authoritative": true status (exclude satellite.stefan-benten.de).

I think status.tardigrade.io should reflect the status of all *.tardigrade.io satellites.


Hmm… “authoritative”: true = not true… WTF? :rofl:
So * .tardigrade.io satellite not tardigrade satellite

Seems like eu-north not true Tardigrade satellite.
Benten not tardigrade
Soltlake only for tests, descendand of benten
When where is production traffic we can adjuct our firewalls and priorities. But where is no production traffic.


You can only sign up to use three theres no point to include ones that you cant actually sign up for.

So they (excl. 3: asia, eu, us) are NOT tardigrade satellite is WE cant join as customer!

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@littleskunk @jocelyn Can I ask you to help with a situation with satellites?


I think having test satellites listed could show some test satellites offline while they are not customer facing. It could give the impression that Tardigrade isn’t as stable to customers for no good reason.

This information for other satellites wouldn’t be relevant for Tardigrade customers, but it could be for SNOs. Perhaps a similar status page could be made on storj.io instead, including testing satellites.

Can you please specify who is the “test” satellite (not a Tardigrade ) from this list ? :


Tardigrade and customer facing are not the same thing. The customer facing satellites are the ones in your original screenshot.

I guess saltlake and europe-north-1 could be considered tardigrade. And stefan-benten could be considered a tardigrade certified satellite. I can’t really answer that part. It depends on how Storj looks at those. But customers can only register on the other 3 satellites, so only the status of those three is relevant for customers…

I talking about Tardigrade satellite status, I think every production satellite should have the status of an operation, It doesn’t matter is it customer-facing or for “special projects”. Tardigrade marks have SLA and any customers (public or hidden) should have the possibility to check the status of satellite and track incidents.

Exactly! Why I asked you:
On my original post, I had a strong opinion that any satellite with * .tardigrade.io name is Tardigrade mark satellites and just pay attention to Storj Team that not all satellites are included in the status page.
But now, I really wonder, and I asked for help on my post, how we should be treated each satellite because in this case, it not transparent for me.

Of course it does. Nobody other than Storjlabs is using the other satellites, so there is no need for a public status page. Take the saltlake downtime for example. Should they show down time of a testing satellite to customers as if it were downtime of their service? That makes no sense. Testing satellites logically have more down time and should not be used to determine quality of the actual customer service. SLA’a are not applicable to those satellites since there are no external customers for them.

Whether they have customers is the ONLY thing that really matters. The rest is just how you decided to name or group them and doesn’t really matter. Just because the domain ends in tardigrade.io doesn’t mean it’s a customer satellite.

Now from the SNO point of view, it could be useful to know what the status of other satellites is, hence why I suggested having a status page on storj.io with all satellites on the trusted satellite list.

Are you planning on treating different satellites differently? You shouldn’t. In order to have realistic testing it’s not great if nodes start treating test satellites differently from customer satellites. There is also no advantage to that as you get paid the same on all of them anyway.


Yes if it have tardigrade label. Also SNO should be able to disable autojoin to that satellites.

Really!? The label is more important than the purpose or that fact that one would impact customers and others would not? That makes absolutely no sense.

I agree that status should have only production satellites, I just try to identify who is on production and who have a Tardigrade mark.

Let me summarize:
us-central-1.tardigrade.io - Production satellite with a Tardigrade mark
europe-west-1.tardigrade.io - Production satellite with a Tardigrade mark
asia-east-1.tardigrade.io - Production satellite with Tardigrade mark
satellite.stefan-benten.de - NOT a production satellite without a Tardigrade mark (NO SLA)
saltlake.tardigrade.io - NOT a production (Test) satellite without a Tardigrade mark (NO SLA)
europe-north-1.tardigrade.io - ???

So, only one satellite is an open question.

I agree with you and not have any complaint about this idea :slight_smile:

May be my previous message is not completely clear (sorry fo that) I try to explain more detailed:

I mean, I would like to identify each satellite like on above in table:

us-central-1.tardigrade.io - Production satellite with a Tardigrade mark
europe-west-1.tardigrade.io - Production satellite with a Tardigrade mark
asia-east-1.tardigrade.io - Production satellite with Tardigrade mark
satellite.stefan-benten.de - NOT a production satellite without a Tardigrade mark (NO SLA)
saltlake.tardigrade.io - NOT a production (Test) satellite without a Tardigrade mark (NO SLA)

Who is their a production, who have SLA, where I can see the status and incident log, etc.
I just would like to know WHO is WHO? :smiley: and nothing else.

Let’s keep topic clean and not try to find “a black cat on darkroom” :smiley:


Yes, it’s important! Let’s say I don’t want to keep all the junk (gitbackup, test data…), but I can’t figure out who is who

Got it. Ok well I think most of that info is out there. For stefan-benten and saltlake, there is a lot of info here.

They are primarily for testing and saltlake will take over that task from stefan-benten.

For europe-north-1 there is this post.

So transfer.sh first, but they’ve since used it for testing as well. Possibly because saltlake was being used to test upgrades to cockroach db and couldn’t be used for testing in the mean time. My extrapolation is that this one will primarily be used for internal projects or deeper partnerships.

I hope that helps?

Not familiar with that saying, but it seems I misunderstood your intention. I wasn’t trying to argue a straw man. So sorry if I misinterpreted anything.

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Sure I will ask internally

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