Telegram bot - Storj Node Monitor

Hello everyone,

I have developed a Telegram bot to monitor the statistics of my Nodes and receive alerts in case one falls.
I currently have one online @storjnodemonitor_bot (Telegram: Contact @storjnodemonitor_bot) but the idea is for each user to mount their bot on their infrastructure and monitor their nodes.

It is in a beta phase and will have a bug, if someone wants to contribute ideas or improve the code, here is the repository: GitHub - RafaMunoz/bot-StorjNodeMonitor: Telegram bot to consult statisticians and notifications from Storj Nodes..

Any errors you see or suggestions you can tell me.

Greetings to all :slightly_smiling_face: !!


Thanks, i’m going to give this a try. I’ve been looking for something simply like this.

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This looks rely good, I use Telegram all the time.

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