Hi everyone, we would like your feedback on the Server Side Copy test plan! If you haven’t already be sure to check out our test plan template, we would like your feedback on that as well! Test Plan Template Thread
Here is the test plan - Server Side Copy
The test plan looks good to me. I couldn’t find any mistakes.
I found a small mistake that likely is based on the original design doc:
If objects are between 5GB and 5TB (max object size), then upload-part-copy api must be used for server side copy
5TB max object size is not correct here. It just assumes one is using the default 5MB part size. The practical max object size however is not set since part size can be increased and is even done automatically in some aws sdk’s based on the uploaded file/object. Let us avoid confusing other readers or ones that are not fully familiar with those gotcha’s in the S3 protocol 
Other than that looks like awesome coverage! Great work 
Another small nit picking: The table has lots of redundant Test
in it, particular in the second column since the heading already hints those are Test Cases
. Only calling the rows/entries Impact on Audit
is more clear in my mind 
Thanks @stefanbenten
I made sure to fix the redundancy of the word Test for both of the test plans so far 
Also fixed the test case
If objects are between 5GB and 5TB (max object size), then upload-part-copy api must be used for server side copy
Thank you!
I just noticed there is a small misuse of the word segment where it should be parts 
Example: If a user uploads an object with 10000 or less segments ...
I do think this only applies to the S3 parts, but since one part can be >64MB we should/could end up with 1 part - N segments.
Worth double checking the design doc around this, but i do think we need to handle 10k parts and sometimes > 10k segments 
Thanks again! @stefanbenten
I fixed the test cases and added one for handling 10k+ parts.
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