Hello, can someone please help me? My computer started to freeze up and i restarted it and my storj wont start anymore.
Heres what i have:
2020-05-31T13:13:26.320-0400 FATAL Unrecoverable error {“error”: “Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n— mkdir F:: The system cannot find the path specified.\n— mkdir F:: The system cannot find the path specified.\n— mkdir F:: The system cannot find the path specified.\n— mkdir F:: The system cannot find the path specified.”, “errorVerbose”: “Error starting master database on storagenode: group:\n— mkdir F:: The system cannot find the path specified.\n— mkdir F:: The system cannot find the path specified.\n— mkdir F:: The system cannot find the path specified.\n— mkdir F:: The system cannot find the path specified.\n\tmain.cmdRun:149\n\tstorj.io/private/process.cleanup.func1.4:359\n\tstorj.io/private/process.cleanup.func1:377\n\tgithub.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute:840\n\tgithub.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).ExecuteC:945\n\tgithub.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).Execute:885\n\tstorj.io/private/process.ExecWithCustomConfig:88\n\tstorj.io/private/process.Exec:65\n\tmain.(*service).Execute.func1:66\n\tgolang.org/x/sync/errgroup.(*Group).Go.func1:57”}