I would like to remind you all that this trash business is only a temporary measure, so please keep calm, stop complaining and and carry on. They would implement a better solution in the coming months <\s>
check the date of this post : https://forum.storj.io/t/deleted-pieces-will-be-sent-to-trash-by-default
some time after that, a change was made, and the nodes stopped getting direct deletes. so now everything (except TTL pieces) goes through the trash, and the option to avoid the trash mentioned in that post is useless.
when Storj reduced the payout rates this led to some of the largest nodes operators to check in more detail the used space vs payout and we realize that in some cases there were a 40% - 50% discrepancy caused by various reasons, among them that the bloom filter was not always received on time, and that its size was not big enough.
Even though they claim those has been fixed we are still getting copious amount of discrepancies in the disc usage (trash or otherwise). Now that there is a lot of ingress is easy to verify. you just need a node that has been full & online for a whole month and check the payout for that node at the end of the month, that will be your real-life payout rate.