The usage of space on dashboard doesn't match the usage on the disk

Dear @Alexey,

please find the result here below:

PS C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node> sls path "$env:ProgramFiles/Storj/Storage Node/config.yaml"

config.yaml:13:# path to static resources
config.yaml:34:# If set, a path to write a process trace SVG to
config.yaml:40:# path to the certificate chain for this identity
config.yaml:41:identity.cert-path: C:\Users\aseeg\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity\storagenode/identity.cert
config.yaml:43:# path to the private key for this identity
config.yaml:44:identity.key-path: C:\Users\aseeg\AppData\Roaming\Storj\Identity\storagenode/identity.key
config.yaml:88:# path to log for oom notices
config.yaml:127:# path to the CA cert whitelist (peer identities must be signed by one these to be verified). this
will override the default peer whitelist
config.yaml:128:# server.peer-ca-whitelist-path: ""
config.yaml:151:# path to store data in
config.yaml:152:storage.path: D:\StorjShareV3\storage

PS C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node>