These rates are good

I was wondering if other users go through this, why do I get very little ingress on max 150MBimage

Here are my stats for yesterday on one of my two nodes with available space (multiply by 2 ingress figures to have a rough idea of what a single node would have received):

Check again with your figures from the 13th, now that the day is in the past. :wink:

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it is unfortunate but I am very distant I am leaving this project ā€¦ the community is very good and I thank everyone. good luck guys

Itā€™s real customer data, itā€™s weekend and your node probably holds around 50GB (?) of data and is only a month old. What do you expect? With one terabyte you will earn around 2-3 dollars a month. But the node must also be filled for this.

You should be more patient.

node in 12/30/2020

You mean thatā€™s your node on the 14th of feb 2021 (today)?

Well I couldnā€™t tell if your ingress is normal. But the sure thing is that things are particularly slow during first months.

Have a look at this for more info on what you could expect, in average (copy the sheet to your own google account and them fill-in your numbers):

Looks like you may be below average figures. If this persists, there must be reason. Success rates and latencies could explain part of thatā€¦ Not sure how to improve them though.