Tooltip for partner logos

Most logos have company name but some logos like FZ would need a tooltip to show who they are. Some logos are hard to read like nextcloud & I am using FHD screen. I suspect they are barely readable on 4k.


look fine. MariaDB is a bit sketchy. I guess the logos have been provided by the partners themslef and have been cleared off?

This is how most sites show logos nowadays.

I guess it’s not a huge priority matter, but I agree with @nerdatwork.

Besides, it’s not because most sites do it this way that we can’t do better :slight_smile:

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Same here, 1920x1200 on 25 inch

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Thanks for letting us know! Which logos are you seeing the blurry issue with?

Normally you would expect them to be linked to the partners site.

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I have passed these suggestions along for consideration to our design team.

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There is no blurryness, some logos (nextcloud) are simply being displayed too small.

Just checked it again with 14in FHD screen

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Also, the “FZ” logo does not really say what it represents, unless I already know the logo. Others have the name of the company written, but nextcloud and mariadb the text is too small (on my screen nextcloud text is about 1mm tall, and mariadb is about 2mm).