Best method to redirect logs to independant storage in Linux

Hi phillipe,

This is easy to do with logrotate since you can use wildcards to define your paths and files. I placed a logrotate config file in /etc/logrotate.d/ called storagenode . It is a plain text file. My logrotate config file is as follows. Don’t include comments in your config file (there is an uncommented version below).

/mnt/logs-usb/storj*/storagenode*.log {
#the wildcard (*) characters tell logrotate to look in any subfolder that
#begins with storj, and rotate any log that starts with storagenode
#and has a .log extension
        su user group #run as specific user and group, this may not be necessary for you
        weekly #rotates logs weekly
        maxsize 200M #rotate logs if log file is greater than 200 MB even if it has been less than a week
        rotate 52 #keep 52 previous log files
        dateext #append date to rotated log file extensions
        dateformat -%Y%m%d #use this date format for rotated logs
        compress #compress rotated logs
        delaycompress #leave the most recent rotate log uncompressed until the next cycle
        missingok #do not error out if log file is missing
        notifempty #do not rotate empty log files
        copytruncate #copies rotated log and truncates original
Uncommented version
/mnt/logs-usb/storj*/storagenode*.log {
        su user group
        maxsize 200M
        rotate 52
        dateformat -%Y%m%d

You can get more information about different log rotate options here