Town Hall August 2nd at 1PM ET July 2023

Town Hall August 2nd at 1PM ET

Join us for the latest updates from Town Hall premiering 2023-08-02T17:00:00Z

Please post your questions in the thread

Watch here:

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When test satellites will be decommissioned completely and HELD amount returned.
As I yet have 7+ tb from this satellite, when it will be deleted or I already can delete it my self?

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Is there any plans to make edge services or repair service to SNOs operate, it will save lot of money and give possible to make SNOs additional income. Time frame?


Any plans to modify the payout rates further in the near future seeing the node churn after the last payout changes?

How much of a performance did the network gain as the TCP FO was implemented?

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TCP FO is implemented but not enabled / supported on majority of nodes. Isolated benchmarks showed the benefit of TCP Fast Open, but full e2e measurement requires either more nodes or a way to restrict operations to FO enabled nodes…


A guide to removing the satellite and remaining data is in the works and will be posted in the Forum when it is ready.


Would it be possible to send an e-mail with some guidance to node operators who haven’t enabled this yet? That way even people who are not visiting the forums would be aware such configuration option exists.

Edit: thinking about it and it actually might be risky, so maybe sending them out in batches so the network won’t end up with many offline nodes at once.


I would like to think about this in a different way: if someone wants to get more traffic, they will search for the answer and they likely will be here, on the forum. This would also mean, that they are willing to learn something and experiment.


This undermines trust in Storj from storage node operators that are not passionate enough to spend time on research. Frankly, this essentially means that to get paid to operate a node, one has to spend much more time than just set up a node and forget.


You said that Storj is a platform for development, but I see that not many developers know about Storj and few people choose Storj to develop their new products. How to promote more strongly Storj to the software developer community? Should Storj hold hackathons or not? Should Storj organize a marketing campaign targeting tech enthusiasm and software developers?


@bre why did you asked put questions for townhall here, if didn’t covered it there at all.

The questions will be addressed soon here by @john - unfortunately there was no time to add the Q&A to the livestream, we apologize for the inconvenience.


That video seems to heavily imply further cuts to payouts to come… specifically at 17:56…

I remember promises of that previously. It didn’t go so well. Lol

Because those are my general instructions.
I can see how that turned out to seem out of sync.

But as @heunland said John will answer all the outstanding questions either here or in his own dedicated thread soon.


Yeah if the plan still is to go to 1 $ pr TBm stored then i’m out.

would be nice, if we could get some reliable information about what we can expect, because i’m on the fence about sticking with the projects at these new reduced earnings.

this month i have only earned half of what i use to.

i thought we had settled that 1$ pr TBm stored was not tenable for SNOs


I dont understand why a large Network ist Bad? Isn’t it better because there a more nodes thus more reliable? And it wouldn’t make a difference in the payment because it only pays for used bandwidth and storage.

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That’s quite funny really because in a previous twitter spaces some questions just got ignored.

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In the video John says “We only cut egress” and then that combined with the test sat shutdown results in "stable income for SNO’s of a 50% reduction. As is so often the case with these presentations the words don’t match what is actually happening. It’s corporate speech at its best!

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John cites the low number of nodes in Australia at the 20:10 mark. There has been a 30% increase in the cost of electricity just this year alone. Given the current Storj payout model with further likely reductions it seems a significant increase in node numbers ishighly unlikely.

You see current prices here:

Note that there is a significant service charge that is applied no matter how little you use.

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