I have had such a thing regularly when I tried to migrate to Linux (see Moving from Windows to Ubuntu and back). I configured to reboot after kernel panic, but this is doesn’t help - the reboot is not enough, you need to reset it with the hardware “Reset” button. This is for Linux, Windows happily reboots after BSOD if configured and working normally.
In my case one or two cores of the CPU are hanging (at least this is how I can interpret messages in dmesg) and system become unresponsive to user’s events, however it doesn’t prevent answering on audit requests, but it doesn’t returns anything (because this thread become hung).
However, this never happen under Windows on the same hardware. Even BSOD is occur only when the fresh new Windows version is rolled out (you know, Windows rolling updates). The same new version allowed to be installed half of or year later is working normally.
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