Unable to add node running V1.111.4 to multinode dashboard

I have 4 nodes, 3 of them v 1.110.3, the other version 1.111.4.

I just tried to add all four nodes to the multinode dashboard. I was able to add 3 of them. Guess which one I was not able to add? Right, the one running v1.111.4. I did exactly the same steps for all of them.

Anyone else having this issue?

My sypmtoms, when I press the “create” button, the dialog closes but no node is added. No errors in the browser console or multi node docker container logs.

What’s version of the multinode dashboard?

I just tried - everything is adding as usual. Make sure that you provided the correct IP and port. You may also use the internal IP instead of an external, if you are in the same local network.

Nevermind, human error :zipper_mouth_face:

I used the ./storagenode info --configdir config --identity-dir identity command inside the docker container of the node. This command returns the internal (inside the docker container) port the node is running on.

Since I have multiple containers on the same device, the external port is the one I should have used. Oh the wonders of a good night’s sleep…

Yes, this command in the docker container wouldn’t return your external address and port, because it’s not provided in the config.yaml file but specified as an environment variable.
But you always can run docker ps to see, what’s an external port at least on the host. If you run a multinode dashboard inside the network, the internal IP and the correct port likely would allow you to go further.

How do I check the version of the multinode dashboard?

./multinode version

If you use a docker version of the multinode dashboard then it would be a little bit tricky, because it’s not officially supported, so under a latest tag there would be always a developer version, not the released one, unless you would also use a correct tag matching the released version.
So, there you may know the version this way:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash storjlabs/multinode:<your used tag here> -c "./multinode version"
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