So I’ve had a pi running a 500GB node for nearly a year.
Recently got a QNAP TS-253D NAS for local camera storage and decided I wanted to transfer my node and start sharing 1TB.
For the life of me though, I can’t get 28967 open to the world, I can switch it back to my pi without a problem, trying to get it open on the NAS though…
I have been trying to run it via CLI since it’s something I’m familiar with and forum opinion seems to be that it’s more reliable.
I do have duckdns working, it runs just fine on the pi behind the same WAN, I just remove the pi IP entry and add the QNAP NAS IP for port forwarding on the modem/router.
How do you update the DDNS address? I would recommend to use router for that (the option usually in the DDNS section). Make sure only one DDNS updater works in the same time.
Started it this way and I’m still unable to get the port open on yougetsignal.
I know I don’t need to restart my router to change IPs, I started on another pi to verify.
I made sure my router has both UDP and TCP open, I feel like the NAS is rejecting the request, but I don’t know how to verify.
I’m not using as ddns, I’m using a basic shell script with curl that runs in a cron, this has proven effective on many devices on my network.