Unofficial Discord for SNO’s

Discord works great you just need to keep to spammers/scammers out. Some sort of verifying bot would do that for you that have to link your StorJ forum channel/name/URL with a verification code in your profile to get access to all functions like @here/@group name etc.


Of storj forum has some sort of API then I would be able to accomplish this.

The Storj forum uses Discourse.
It does have an API:

Although I’m not sure the use of API keys has been enabled for operations that need to be logged in.

Yes I know but this is not open for us :slight_smile:

Found a way to intergrate with forum… to be continued!


Does that mean I’ll get a regular status on discord? :smiley:

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We need more people on the discord :smiley:

Please, note, the official discussions platform only this Community forum.