Unrecoverable error {"error": "Error starting master database on storagenode: database: file is not a database\n\tstorj.io/storj/storagenode/storagenodedb

You don’t need to forward all ports. Just TCP/UDP port number the same as the TCP port number you have been forwarding. If you do all the same steps you performed forward just the TCP port, it should work for UDP as well.

You need to change:
-p 38967:28967
-p 38967:28967/tcp -p 38967:28967/udp

This will require you to stop, remove, and re-create the container with the new parameters. You should wait for your node to finish the filewalker and re-build your used space before you do this since it will have to start the process again if you stop the container. Best to wait for your repaired node to stabilize before making more changes.

(as a side note, feel free to edit your posts to add more info instead of making multiple posts. Helps with the readability for future users)