Not really, less than last month by a quarter. what was supposed to be different? Still 100% on both. But no other difference apart from less money
I didn’t understand a thing.
When will the held amount be paid
in August or September?
It’s paid already. But on dashboard it’s in the September period instead of August.
I did not receive the payment of the held amount from stefan benten, do I have to do something?
You should have already gotten the held amount returned months ago.
The held amount was returned when the satellite was shut down. Some nodes didn’t receive the final update from the satellite before it went down so the dashboard might still show the held amount. But if your node was active and in good standing when the satellite was decommissioned, you have definitely received the held amount already.
that say “Total Held Returned $0.00” in another node was returned $0.01 (was a new node with paar months before)
NodeID: 1Xsznco6jzPv2WCprEGwmvEcjP7gUys68tVFwHcSpwJnXvfb1K
August 2020
Like I said, the data may not have been reported back to your node before the satellite was shut down. Look for the actual transaction in your wallet or on etherscan.