Update: JANUARY 2021
Please visit Minimum Threshold for Storage Node Operator Payouts for current (January 2021) details
Original text :
Due to unusually high Ethereum transaction fees, we’re in the unfortunate situation of having to make a change to the payout methodology we’ve been following for the past months. The change will not affect the amount or timeliness of payments which are due. Normally, we prefer to provide as much notice as possible about any changes to payments, so we can solicit community feedback, but this is an unusual situation.
Our methodology to this point has been to pay one transaction per Node, per Satellite. This results in 48k payouts in the current month. 33k of those transactions are for payouts worth less than $1.
*We completed the payout for all transactions worth over $1. For the remaining transactions, we’ll be aggregating all payouts across all Satellites and Storage Nodes so that Storage Node Operators will receive one single payment to their respective payout address. *
To be clear, all Storage Node Operator payments will be completed on time this month.
*We’ll continue to use this new payout methodology going forward. The Storage Node Operator Dashboard will accurately reflect the payments per Satellite, however the Ethereum blockchain will only reflect the single payment per payout address. *
We’re considering a number of ideas and contingencies with payouts in the event transaction costs remain high or continue to increase. We’re investigating some alternatives including setting a minimum transaction amount—either a fixed amount or a ratio of transaction fees where payout amounts below a given threshold would roll forward into subsequent payouts until the threshold has been reached.
We value the members of our Storage Node Operator Community and appreciate your understanding. If you have suggestions or ideas that you think might provide a better solution, please let us know.
As always, we’ll keep the lines of communications open as new developments arise.The most effective way to provide feedback is via this thread, which keeps the conversation open and transparent to everybody. You can also enter suggestions under the “Suggestions and Ideas” category. If you would like to provide confidential feedback, please email ask@storj.io
Thank you.