To the SNO’s who keep saying they don’t care about Egress pricing. If Egress is not profitable for SNO’s, they will reduce the speed of their nodes, which hampers the overall network. It has to be worth it for a SNO to offer maximum bandwidth in order to earn on Egress.
Indeed, I agree. Currently Egress payment is what makes possible for me to run the node. I don’t know yet if after payment decrease on production satellites it will be sustainable to keep running it… we’ll see how things will sort out if customers demand of Egress will increase…
today i see on my nodes, on the 190TB on client data(not included test data) i have only 7700GB egress it, it is not very much in 18 days.
Current egress is like
And Ingress is low today. At least for me.
The engineers have purged some free tier abusers recently, so some reduction in ingress is to be expected.
Oh yes sorry… literally 2nd paragraph ^^
And the information that the “free tier” uploaded to the network was deleted? Or will it stay forever on the nodes?
I hope that there will be some time restrictions for free tier ant the end.
So, this isn’t a one size fits all situation. Different things are being done around different attributes to keep the free tier available for those that use it properly while purging out those who break terms of service. In the most recent case, there were some metrics that were used to suspend some accounts. When an account is suspended, its data persists. The company may choose to delete these accounts, in which case the data will be deleted at that time. There is no “immediate” plan to do so. For the moment, the focus is on preventing further abuse.
In such instance, will that data be deleted immediately or will it spend 7 days in trash ?
That would depend on how it gets deleted, since that hasn’t even been discussed yet, I can’t give you an answer.
I dont agree with the changes, can you remove the gracefull exit minimum time please temporarily, so I can initiate the command. Atm saying Im not allowed to leave.
Or is it saying because I can exit only 1 node at the time.
I think it will be fair to remove restrictions about GE that people who want exit can make it, not just turn off nodes.
@john what do you think about it?
Its kind of a law her in the uk (not sure for the us), if you change things mid contract ( lets say contract is you cant GE for min 6months ) you need to announce the changes with plenty of notice ( 1month + i believe ) with the starting date, and until that anyone can leave the contract without punishment. After due date you pretty much agreed with changes.
In the future this might get you in troble in some places if you do the way you did it now. So yeah I would like to recover the witheld amount, no hard feelings will be back when demand is higher
And it has to be worth for a SNO to operate a STORJ node at first place!
So if there is little or no egress for SNOs anyway, i’m just submitting ideas to You on how this goal could be achieved in such conditions, to still benefit STORJ network and customers equally.
So please, don’t act like there wasn’t a tons of conversations in last 30 days about it, like it didn’t happened. Its been clarified, that in the case, if egress would not be main source of payment for SNOs, there would be anti-cheat mechanisms necessary in place, to enforce rules.
And about if its possible to do it right: anything can be done in programming, it’s not about what is possible, but about the will to do it.
That’s just some idea.
Because in hosting, whats most important for customers is cost of traffic.
The less egress costs, the more attractive the offer is to customers.
if customer pays $4/TB/mo storage and $7/TB/mo download, total $11/TB/mo for 1TB
its better for him to pay less, obviously.
e.g: $6 and $5, still $11/TB/mo, but he can do more with the file for the same money when at scale. its more attractive. Just and example.
Maybe it should be more like $6-7/storage and $2-4/egress for customers.
If no change in 2.75 redundancy of a file.
And simultaneously its more vital for SNOs, if one e.g. gets $22/mo for a node of 7TB size, to get majority of that from storage. About reasoning behind this, i don’t want to repeat what has been already written here on forum before in last 30 days. Just don’t act like it didn’t happen, please!
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: The free quota removed?
3 posts were split to a new topic: Storj vs Chia earnings
It’s also more efficient and causes less traffic and fewer emissions.
Also, I have a bridge for sale in NYC if you’re interested.
Let them do business. SNOs part is to provide storage with egress on the set, though subject to change, payment rates. You either accept that or not. All you should do is inform how it affects you, not try to extrapolate your case on all other SNOs. This adds nothing to the conversation.
When you suggest to make storage payment higher, but lower egress one, that’s what you are saying. @Knowledge or anyone else doesn’t have to know what you specifically have said in the past few weeks. Even more, they simply DON’T KNOW what’s your understanding about the topic. So they see X, they respond to X. Now, if you wanted to suggest that there could be some sort of misbehaviour detection, why not start your messages with that? Bring others to your level of thoughts and understanding first - we don’t know what’s in your head.
It could look like this:
“@Knowledge, based on my own nodes and cost of operation, I would be fine with lowering the egress payment, though preferably with increasing the storage one. I saw other SNOs mentioning they have similar stance, so maybe this is more widespread. I understand that egress payment cannot go strictly to zero to avoid the highest abuses, but have Storj Labs considered having such behaviour be detectable and just penalized in such scenario?”
So basically:
- Briefly describe your situation/stance
- Bring up some facts about SNOs you saw in the threads
- Suggest there might be more - not a hard statement, just “perhaps”
- Proceed with your suggestion/question…
- …but without things like “it’s better to do X”, “storj should do Y”