Storj vs Chia earnings

All right. In more than 100 locations, I limited the speed to 3 megabits and launched on 20 GE nodes with 3 satellites.
How will GE end. will launch in other locations
Providing speed to nodes no longer makes sense. Too much disc wear for a penny.
Reformat STORJ to CHIA!


If I look here I see that I can earn $0.50 $5 with 10TB. Wow, totally worth it :wink:

With Storj I’ll earn $15 with storage alone. On top of it I get paid for egress.


The load in storj and chia is incomparable.
In addition, one host is limited to approximately 20 TB
And in chia, one host can be a petabyte.
with a petabyte there is no Internet traffic!
Considering all the conditions, chia is already more profitable


There is no hard limit as such. It depends on how much data you get and how much data gets deleted. Unless you use a raspi with slow USB drives it should be much higher than 20TB. @BrightSilence estimates it with 75TB here. If you have a high success rate the limit will be higher, with a low success rate it will be lower.

But it doesn’t matter because I think you’re trolling here anyway. I doubt that you have nodes in 100 locations. Didn’t you say that leaving STORJ for Chia is 30 times more profitable 2 years ago?

Yet for some reason you’re still around here…


Think you forgot one key element to chia the wear it takes to create plots on said Hard drives. Which I had 1 nvme drive die because of this. Also time spent creating plots and the power it takes to create plots and how many plots you want to make.


Вы застряли в прошлом веке. Сейчас плот создается за 5 минут на видеокарте 1080Ti. И 1 SSD на 512 гигабайт (например даже Samsung 980) хватит вам для создания нескольких петабайтов плотов. Так что ни время, ни мощность уже не аргумент

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hat’s right, a few years ago I switched to chia and made more money in 3 months than in 3 years in storge.

Most recently I had 160 knots.
Now there are a little over 100.
Currently 14 of my nodes are doing a full GE.
I will continue to make GE. I’ll cut my knots at least 10 times

My metadata is on the SSD. And yet the HDD gets almost 100% utilization.
Storj does not know how to properly use resources.

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Now it uses a video card and RAM. Wear can be ignored.

If you have 400+gigs of ram then sure but who has that kinda ram? Chia is still not profitable…If your required to have high end hardware to create plots. This is like saying if you have a bunch of 4090s mining is still profitable…

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Quick research googling

Chia profit for 1TB/month 0,5$
Storj profit for 1TB/month more than 2$

Dont feed the troll, period


Maybe they dont understand what a ROI is? Which makes something profitable.


Now you can compress plots, about 25%. If you want to scale fast chia is the way. Easy management. No bandwidth. No hardware intensive (once plotted).

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Bem dito!!!

Estes caracteres servem apenas para respeitar o nº mínimo de caracteres…

Chia seemed to me a very stupid waste of resources for a project that dosen’t bring anything new to the table. With Storj, you know you use the resources in a useful way; you store real customer data, not just some stupid plots. And the way that thousands of SSDs where destroyed for making those useless plots… what a stupid waste.


I think its more like someone is watching youtube videos about how much people are making from chia which are all lies. Like How I make 50 dollars a day running chia…and not putting much thought into it themselfs that they get free hardware to review. No one seem to think for themselves these days its just monkey see monkey do.


If XCH+forks trading is included into the calculation, then the profit of my small Chia farm through year 2022 was approximately 2.7€/TiB/month. I am of course not claiming that Chia is storing useful user-data on my machine, it isn’t - I am just pointing out that a quick Google search comparing Chia to Storj profits per TiB per month can be missing something essential. I am also not claiming that 2.7€/TiB/month is representative from a statistical viewpoint.

Imagine being ready for mainnet launch with over 200TB of plots :smiley: This means >200XCH mined in 2-3 months, just in time for the hype price peak hahaha

Then you would be better off buying it lol…

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what are you talking about? Chia is already on mainnet.