**updated 4.7.2020** Feedback wanted: QNAP NAS App

The VM on your NAS have an own IP. So, please, make sure that your NAS really have this IP.

Yes I’m sure the VM have ! I don’t understand the problem because the firewall accept the request on port 28967 has you can see from logs

Please, check your firewall outbound rules. They should not be exist. If they are exist, then add another one to allow any traffic from any port of your NAS to any destination with any port.
I see a communication error in your screenshot - the node is unable to connect to the satellite.

Hello ,
I installed STORJ_0.7.41.qpkg in april on my QNAP NAS
I have a working node, my version is V1.1.1.
should i migrate to version V1.3.3 ? and how to do it without breaking my node


Hello @vincetheblack,
Welcome to the forum!

You should update the app. In the first topic there is updated link


This seems to be broken too , i am providing the correct admin password, not sure whats the issue
in last three days I have tried several codes but I cant get it to work.
I am new to STORJ and will to help and learn more about it.
Can someone please help me get my first node running

I’m not sure how this is related to storj. You’re having trouble logging into your QNAP NAS? Perhaps ask on the QNAP forums?

I get this screen post login to QNAP and after I open up the StorJ app on the QNAP
Apparently , it seems you have to wait for about 20 mins before you can log in with admin credentials

Thanks for your help though

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@onemindservices - we just added the ability to enable/disable the login. What version are you currently using?

This version (storj-1.07qpkg ) is really buggy, It doesnt like my identity file location or able to create a new identity , when I upgraded the package from 1.0.2 to 10.07, i had to reconfigure everything again and it still doesn’t work. I tried changing the identity using a secondary email, it falls back to the old identity after trying to create the new one

Snapshot attached for your reference

Is there a better way of running this on QNAP for people who are not docker savy

I recommend giving docker a try. Everything is there in the instructions and people here can help you out if you run into trouble. It’s not that complicated.

@onemindservices - Thanks for the feedback. There is a bug in the UI if you already have an identity and want to generate another. A workaround is to rename the current identity folder and refresh the screen. We’ll patch it this week.

Hey Thanks for your reply
I tried this and it sits there for several hours trying to create identity but no luck , i tried changing it to a different directory all together as well but doesnt seem to work either


I also noticed that when i login after 48 hours to my storage node and login into Storj app, all my settings are wiped , I have to start configuring from scratch
Snapshot attached for the error

A post was merged into an existing topic: Error starting master database (operation not permitted) after update on QNAP-Nas