Updates on Test Data

I am not 100% sure yet but it looks like the uploads didn’t had enough randomness in the filenames and some uploads got overwritten. We fixed that yesterday and now the dashboard that was previously not reflecting the expected increase is finally showing some increase. Tomorrow the dashboard will give me the final answer. We might have more than one problem. So I wouldn’t rule out additional bugs in bloom filter creation etc. Maybe watch for audit errors and track down if the corresponding piece was deleted by garbage collection. That would be a good indicator that we have a bug in that area as well.

For now I will hope for the best. The best in this situation would be that there was only one bug and we fixed it already. Tomorrow and all the following days the dashboard shows the increase we need and everything is on track. In that case all we have to do is correcting the payout a bit to compensate for this setback. I am not the person to decide that but I will bring up that topic in the next meeting. Getting back with a decision will take a moment. It isn’t the highest priority.