Updates on Test Data

I think there is a significant amount of SNO who are willing to upgrade as soon as their disk are filling. But the speed of the expanding depends… mostly the subnet limitation will lead to the “one by one” approach which i already mentioned here.

So the first question from SNO side is: Do you need just contunously one node with space available at one ip or do you need multiple nodes behind the same ip for distribution? If second, how much nodes makes sense for you?

Because from the SNO perspective there is no difference in incoming traffic but only in cost of disks.

Currently i see about 1.5 to 2.5TB/day ingress per ip on my nodes, that will fill 18TB disks (16TB usable) at a rate on 8 days, maybe more if some data will be deleted…
For me i can keep up the pace and add one more node per week (currently up to 104).

The second question is: Do you provide information about the duration of the signed contract?
If the contract term was signed for lets say 12 months, the SNO run their math and could decide if it is worth it to spin up even more nodes.

Third and final question: How long in advance are we informed before the customer data arrives?