SNO Capacity Planning

My answer is clear yes!

I run a few nodes on 4 locations with quiet decent bandwidth 1G/1G to 10G/10G.
Downside for this great bandwidth is there is no chance to get multiple ip`s on different subnets but only the same subnet.

That is why i expand the node count one by one as soon as the latest node is full, each one with own disk which adds new capacity to the network. I also have hardware laying around which can handle 104 more drives so technically 104 more nodes on one ip which, if we ran the math and assume 18TB per drive, add 1.8PB to the network. (And there is even more space for racks :wink:

Sadly the one by one approach fits best because it makes no sense for me to bring up all these nodes at the same time as long as the traffic will be divided by nodes in subnet, even if i am able upgrade my ISP to 25G/25G wich probably could be quite suitable for a surge node :smiling_face_with_tear:

The 1.5$/TB fits my cost so i am not disappointed by “cold data” as long as the pricing fits my needs.