SNO Capacity Planning

We are not even nearly that. The US Select just proved this to us… The public network is much faster, even with a geofencing…

There are more than 20k nodes which are capable to even on the current version… just saying.
I agree that improvements are still needed. We also have customers with a different patterns, too.

No, I won’t do it with the current rates. How to fix this: return traffic prices to at least $10/TB, pay for incoming traffic.

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I’m running 20 Nodes with different Drive sizes (6TB-18TB drives), if the drives get full, and I know, that there is a “real” use-case and not just reservation for a future “maybe” use-case, I’ll use my 20 nodes and 20 HDD Slots as good as I can and will upgrade the drives to around 20-22TB each. At this point I could provide 0.4PB best case.

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I am planning to expand capacity - now I have 8Tb and 16Tb HDD, and I want to expand to 11 max capacity HDDs eventually. In nearest future I may get ~3 new HDDs. I may get other servers to expand even more, if current one fills up. My connection is ~750mbit up/down.


I try to keep 1-4 node not near full, so once my 4 nodes are full, I’ll be adding 4 more


Yes and no.

Yes: I will maybe spin up some offside nodes with unused resources.

No: I will not buy hardware.

Reasonings: People here wonder if test data will be replaced by that mysterious new TTL customer. But I wonder if STORJ business works and can survive another year. I also think it is seriously risky to only have one real customer. What if a month from now the customer stumbles upon a better deal? Changes his S3 buckets and cancels STORJ?
Buying even a single 20TB could take years to get into the green.

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That has been true every month since they launched. And yet every month the payouts arrive. For years now.

Why wonder any farther into the future than your next payout? If I get paid, I stay online another month. If I fill a drive and payouts have funded expansion… I expand.

No reason to complicate things with wonder, or trust, or hope. :money_mouth_face:


Du er så goddamn cool mand. Elsker at læse dine posts.

In all seriousness, the large increase in RAM, is that due to additional memory footprint of the new load averages? In your scale, are you working directly with vendors for bulk rebate?

I took the plunge and bought disks (that I was going to use anyways, mind you) about 6 months ago. At the current rate, it will take me additionally 6 months to fill my setup from the current ~75TB to 160TB.

At the time I’m at capacity for my current system, and while I could take an additional disk shelf live, I would want to bring at least 4 new disks online in that. I guess time will tell :slight_smile:

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I am currently planning to add 3-4 more drives with 18Tb capacity per drive

I have to check wether my server has space for 4 more drives. Current writing with my hoster


I plan to expand capacity


Sorry, I don’t see how. Select limits participation so severely that you cannot draw such conclusions.

I am also planning to expand, because one node in a /24 network is already putting a lot of stress on the HDD. Then filewalker and GC will also run better and faster again.

In any case, you have to fix or improve the filewalker and GC so that it continues where it left off with a node restart, whether by an update or manual restart.
The bloom filters should also be sent more often so that the GC is faster and not unnecessarily much remains in the trash or is not collected at all

Due to the new “standard” in terms of traffic, you should perhaps also adjust the system requirements again or show best practice configs so that the nodes work better. It should be recommended that the db, orders and logs are moved to an ssd. for example


I have just ordered a second Internet connection. There’s no risk for me because if the new customer doesn’t sign up, I can cancel my first plan within a month.

I hope that I can contribute a bit that Storj dosen’t need that much surge nodes.


I’ll add more drives for sure. No profit till now. But I like the adventure. I’ve learned many things from installing and maintenance storage nodes. Some troubles, still many fun. Brilliant idea! Thank you!


Same here! I’m a late bloomer as far as Linux goes and this was a perfect incentive to learn a lot more :slight_smile:


My answer is clear yes!

I run a few nodes on 4 locations with quiet decent bandwidth 1G/1G to 10G/10G.
Downside for this great bandwidth is there is no chance to get multiple ip`s on different subnets but only the same subnet.

That is why i expand the node count one by one as soon as the latest node is full, each one with own disk which adds new capacity to the network. I also have hardware laying around which can handle 104 more drives so technically 104 more nodes on one ip which, if we ran the math and assume 18TB per drive, add 1.8PB to the network. (And there is even more space for racks :wink:

Sadly the one by one approach fits best because it makes no sense for me to bring up all these nodes at the same time as long as the traffic will be divided by nodes in subnet, even if i am able upgrade my ISP to 25G/25G wich probably could be quite suitable for a surge node :smiling_face_with_tear:

The 1.5$/TB fits my cost so i am not disappointed by “cold data” as long as the pricing fits my needs.


A takker og bukker :wink: (thank you for your kind words)

Sort of - I want to test if by adding more memory, I can speed up the retain and trash process. It wont speed up startup filewalker thought, but that’s ok, since nodes are running for like a month or two depending on new releases of “storeYAY” node software.

I got the RAM modules from Ebay since it’s an old server, but it does the job so far.

I’m also looking into putting together a new hardware setup for my nodes.
If the test I’m currently running turns out ok, I’ll be able to add HDD’s basicly on the fly (no need for start any new nodes) and speed up filewalker/retain/trash from days to maybe a coupe of hours (not using ZFS)… but i still need more testing to be sure, before I’ll start buying / setting it up and migrate my 105 nodes to it.



I will expand when the test data period is over. I’m currently deleting Chia coin plots slowly over time, in favor of Storj. I believe this project (Storj) actually provides a purpose for humanity vs Chia (XCH) coin proof of space plots.

Also, I was kind of hoping for even more data. At the beginning, I was getting 200-300Mbps and now it’s at around 150Mbps. That’s not a bad number, but that’s only 11.5% of my internet connection. I don’t think it’s getting limited by the speeds of my drives (all 29 of them).

I will roll profits from Storj to new drives and drive bays until both of my servers fill up.