SNO Capacity Planning

There are a lot of Chia refugees here: all trimming plots as Storj slowly grows. It’s too bad that project doesn’t really support itself anymore (at least with average North American power rates).

Keep us updated! Thanks for your work

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I think it would be nice to have some insurance that the SNO payout wont change and how close we are with this mistery customer who needs more data than what Stork currently have.

And maybe reduce the held-back time.

With these infos im sure there would be more nodes.


Yep. And the new T&C that was supposedly being worked on as well.

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I can only speak for myself sorry. And that is what it is for me.

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It would be verry helpfull to have separated graphs for public and comercial network, to check the occupied/available space.
We work with so many unknows and we have to plan in advance based on cristal balls.


According Announcement: Changes to node payout rates as of December 1st 2023 (Open for comment)

“Storj does not anticipate further payout rate adjustments for the foreseeable future.”

It would be nice if Storj Labs could write this down in the ToS or somewhere, with a minimum 6 month notice for new adjustments.


Do you have expirience with this drives? I never seen this label before, and my 22TB Exos-es don’t have such labels. They say Seagate Exos etc etc. I see these drive allover ebay and local second hand stores at half price than new ones, sold as refurbished Exos drives. Are they genuine?

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IIRC they are white label drives. You can google it.


Yeah they’re real. Many people have good experiences with them: go for it!

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No, I would need to expand the hardware around, too. That’s not paying out for me.


In order to get a brief idea of how many actually would expand or not, I have an idea. Since posting polls is disabled.

Please :heart: this post if you are planning to expand


Please :heart: this post if you are NOT planning to expand


Yes, but ICO money is running out.

Well I don’t, because I don’t buy new hardware, but people that invest should.

'm starting to think you’re kidding us with this story. Ask who is willing to increase the space, who is not… simple meaningless numbers. I could say yes and do the opposite…
Do you need space? Open a direct communication channel like on commercial nodes. I’m ready to start 100 x 20tb tomorrow. Storj: Oh great! Just start everything and let us know ip… we will give you 100nodes on that ip! let’s go!
I’m sure you will find real numbers of how many tbs are ready to deploy


Isn’t that ‘signed deal’ already factored in? I mean we are only days away from reservation uploads and TTL deletes being in balance. :thinking:

Admit that you just love purple hearts. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Actually it’s allowed?
It should be under a gear icon in the compose window:

  • I would expand
  • I wouldn’t expand
0 voters
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You are an admin so its only allowed to administrators. Its disabled for other tiered users.
