Updates on Test Data

What happens to healthy pieces for SLC sat? Any pontential customer might look at this too… :thinking:


Since testing with different RS settings took place on that satellite, I wouldn’t worry about it. Lost segments is 0. That’s the important stat (and not even really on Saltlake).


All my nodes loose audits. The online score is dropping, eventhough I didn’t had any downtime in the last 30 days.
My mom couldn’t watch Netflix last night…
Panic panic panic!

Setup SQM. This happens when latency goes over the roof.

What’s that? How to?

Too complicated. Just order a second Internet connection and dedicate it to the nodes.

I’ll use what I have. :grin:

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How do you know your ISP didn’t have some downtime? :thinking:

I think we are pass that already.
And besides, if you order it the right way you will be able to cancel anytime.

Uptime robot… :nerd_face:
If mom sees another wire crawling on the walls, the hammer is the first stop, my node the second.

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Here is how: Is there a way to limit upload speed on docker (debain)? - #3 by arrogantrabbit

Your router should support queue management.

I have spent a lot of time with different bufferbloat mitigation tutorials for pfsense. It works but with my internet connection fully saturated by storj I was still not happy.

Now I have just set 2 IPs with higher priority, my gaming box and my girlfriends netflix box. :wink:

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Yeah, I thought you reffer to that… Asus offers it, but… you have to subscribe to it’s spyware.

Your screenshots show audit 100%.

I was reffering to online audit/score.

Hello, relatively new node operator here. I just passed 10TB of bandwidth used since the start of the test last week. How much longer is the testing planned for? I am considering opting out of further testing, what is the simplest way to do that?


The test is a representation of future anticipated traffic. If you cannot sustain the test there would be no sense in running the node. Opting out of the test (you can distrust the salt lake satellite) would be highly counterproductive. On the contrary, use the test to optimize your setup.

For my part, I limited the download speed of my node to 50 Mpbs to limit the use of my bandwidth. Which still leaves me with 1 TB of data ingress per day on average.

If you have an ASUS router, did you turn off DDoS protection? I very doubt is about bufferbloat in this case. Search on the forum for it, if you don’t know what I’m talking about.


The node itself is 10TB, so what you are saying is that in the future it will be writing and then erasing 10TB off of the drive regularly? what use case is that?

My setup is fine, I just don’t see the point of Storj racking up bandwidth usage for going on a week now.