Updates on Test Data


Anticipated customer usecase:

Obviously they would not be wasting money just for the heck of it.

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You can throttle the ingress by setting the storage2.max-concurrent-requests to some amount (like <50).

You could also opt out of storing any data by gracefully exiting from the saltlake satellite forever.

I know about DDoS prevention on Asus routers. I believe I was the fist one who discovered that it is bad for storagenodes and reported on the forum. :smiley:

In that case they likely should be forced to do the same for the production satellites later. Perhaps itā€™s better to improve the setup instead as suggested by @arrogantrabbit

You get paid to hold the data: even if itā€™s just from performance testing (and even if itā€™s time-limited: like for a month). Payment is the point :money_mouth_face:

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Started few days agoā€¦ still vetting. is it ok?:

Can somebody tell if the tests are now completed, or still ongoing? Since the traffic is still high, but as being told the test were supposed to end the past weekend.

I remember seeing that theyā€™d continue on the weekendā€¦ but I donā€™t think I heard that theyā€™d be done?

Either way: we get paid for what we store, so arenā€™t we hoping for high trafficā€¦ forever? :dollar:

Iā€™m hoping for real data, and not self terminating test data, because I know itā€™ll get destroyed after 30 Days, and the well filled Drive will being emptied. Also the data is paid by storj and not customers. I would like to see ā€œreal growthā€ and not ā€œfake growthā€ like seen in the past.

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Iā€™m a bit concerned that a client could constantly upload data with a short TTL of 1 day keeping the whole network busy but the used space doesnā€™t grow after 1 day.

This customer would only pay for the space they can upload in 1 day. Did Storj think of such a scenario?


SNOs canā€™t tell customers when to delete their data. Maybe itā€™s backups that get deleted after 3 months. Maybe itā€™s CCTV footage that only lasts a month. I donā€™t careā€¦ pay me and Iā€™ll hold it until tomorrow if you want :slight_smile:

Paying Customers donā€™t waste their time uploading data that only lasts a couple days. But even if they do (such as when running a new trial of Storj)ā€¦ itā€™s not enough to worry about. If anyone is constantly uploading+deletingā€¦ theyā€™re still constantly paying.


Apparently the new customer is going to do the same - uploads lots of data that self-destructs after a while.


What is the reason doing something like this? Data protection (of customers data or something like that)?

CCTV recordings (they are only kept for a set time)
Backups (again, only kept for a set time)
other short-term data that becomes useless after a month or whatever.


For everyone worried about the ā€œshiftā€ to TTL/short-lived data, keep in mind that the ingress for the last 30 days of US1 has been 24.4PB, and current used space for US1 is 15.5PB. These levels of ingress have been there for a while, meaning that most of data ingress is already short lived and is nothing new to the network.


I have a 150Mbit/s connection up and down, so I could download 1.6TB each day and with the tests I got ~8TB this month already. I would be pissed if 1 customer uses all my bandwith every day and pays me only $2.40/month for it. I think that would be the point for me to leave Storj.

Edit: Just to clarify, Iā€™m talking about data with a TTL of 1 day.

no. 1.49$ TBmā€¦ so will be 2.4 per month


If weā€™re lucky enough to gain some large customersā€¦ then there probably will be a few SNOs that donā€™t meet the recommended reqs (such as unmetered transfers) and who will walk away. If I had a capped plan Iā€™d maybe have to leave too.

But until thenā€¦ let the bits and the cash flow! :money_mouth_face:


Yea, just opened my eyes (was sleeping on the chair), read the last reply and posted :joy:

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What is the minimum TTL anyway? If itā€™s even less than 1 day then Storj would be open for such ā€œattacksā€.

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