Updates on Test Data

I can’t find the link right now: but I’ve seen that the satellite has sub-second timestamps for billing. So there is no “attack” - you pay for what you use.

The “attack” is to saturate the bandwidth of the network without paying a lot.
For example, let’s say I can upload to the network at 40gbps and set the TTL to 1 second.
I’ll be using 40gbps of bandwidth (also CPU power etc), but will only pay for ~4GB of stored data.


You don’t understand what I mean. If there would be a TTL of 1 minute and a customer uploads 1 PB, he would only pay for ~23GBm while keeping the network busy 24/7. Scale that up to x PB…

I understand. That customer wouldn’t pay much $… but would waste far more of their own bandwidth and time… for something that would be nothing more than a blip in the network.

What about a malicious competitor? And it’s more than just a blip in the network. Did you not see that the current test can saturate the connections of most SNO’s?

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I saw such a test just this last weekend: where someone trying to push the network held the highest speeds ever… for two days straight… and the network didn’t care. And the largest SNOs had bandwidth to spare.

Two days. For a network up since 2018. A blip.

A malicious competitor is welcome to throw their money away.

(Edit: I am looking forward to the blog post about the testing. Like how much bandwidth did Storj need to push from their side… for SNOs to see the traffic we did to our nodes?)

that’s not correct, some customers complained that performance on other satellites was going down during the Saltlake tests…


I wonder what competitor should even notice a 30 PB company? :thinking:


That made me smile too! Chia has 4x our node count and 500x our raw capacity… and one of their larger farmers coming to Storj could double our available space. Luckily few want to wait for vetting… and 9 months of payment holdbacks… and to scrounge up multiple /24 IPs… and two+ years to fill their disks. Too many barriers-to-entry.

Beat them before they get big?

We will have to wait a bit longer for that. Management wants to wait until the customer is happy before posting any numbers.


I don’t know what kind of traffic you’re talking about, but I haven’t seen more than 300 mb/s. and this is nothing. I think the majority can easily withstand 800-900 mb/s

Large SNOs saw 4500-5000 Mbps this weekend (and almost that now?)

In what parallel universe do you live? I have 150mbit/s up and down and could get 1Gbit/s, but I know that I’m quite fortunate to have FTTH in the UK. Before that I had 80/40 mbit/s.

Even if you can get 1Gbit/s download, with most providers you’ll get only 100 mbit/s or so upload.

My main point was though imagine your line is constantly saturated with 300mbit/s and getting paid only $4.80/month if the data has a TTL of only 1 day. Even worse if it would be possible to have a TTL of 1h. Then you’ll get $0.20/month for that data only.

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I am limited to 100 mbit/s, nothing better available here. So with the ‘new normal’ of 30 days TTL I would be limited around 30 TB storage.

To pick only the good uploads is the way to go… :wink:

I have only 2x500 fiber lines, and today because of my traffic, my provider made additional fibers.
As we here widely use XPON to share 1 fiber over several connections, but there is some limits.
My internet is only 10Eur per line +2.5 eur per static ip.

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I live in Ukraine, although enemy shells are flying overhead, we have no problems. Fiber optic everywhere. no problem to have 1g upload and download. 10g to the house is also not a luxury. Unfortunately, I haven’t been to the UK, so I don’t know how you are.


There is no need pick uploads (ignoring any discussion about if doing so would be allowed). Even while we get this TTL data, we also get “standard” data, meaning that we get to slowly build up the more “permanent” data at the base, while whatever free storage we have gets used up in the meanwhile for short lived data.

In addition Im pretty sure trying to get around short lived data by rejecting it somehow, will tank your upload success rate, and in turn make your node get selected less often in general.

And in any case, as I have mentioned before, short lived data is nothing new to the network and already exists.


How much is a 10g line in ukraine and is it really unlimited?

everything is individual, in my region. I go to the provider and make an agreement. If there is a technical possibility to use free fiber. in my case, I take 10g in the middle of the country in ua-ix, world 2.5g burstable to 10g for $40 a month. I usually use 200-400TB of traffic. The only problem is ipv4. But we don’t have a strong need for 10g, when you can connect three 1g providers for $15 a month :slight_smile: and get everything you need + several different IPs. If we talk about 10g without restrictions with a 90% guarantee, it will be about $120-150, it all depends on the connection point and whether there are free capacities