Upgrade the HDD to a larger capacity HDD for Windows 10

cloning the drive probably is quicker than copying files with robocopy as cloning does it at the block level and the outcome is 100% or 0% :stuck_out_tongue:

You would not want to clone the drive bytewise since there is a lot that can go wrong when you do that while the node is running.

Do as follows:

  1. do not stop storagenode service
  2. robocopy a:\source b:\destination /MIR
  3. repeat step 2, it will take a lot less time now
  4. stop storagenode service
  5. repeat step 2 one more time
  6. remove old hard drive, assign old drive letter to new drive (or edit config.yaml to point to new drive letter)
  7. start storagenode service

This the recommended way to go about things on Windows, I have done that multiple times with next to no hassle. Do not experiment just to save some minutes on the copying procedure itself, just stick to robocopying the folder.

And while you are at it, move your identity files to your storj data directory.


Thanks TWL,

and edit this also on the config.yalm # total allocated disk space in bytes
storage.allocated-disk-space: 1.63 TB ?change the 1.63 to the new value? dont think will do it automatically :slight_smile:

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Yes of course, you need to modify your config.yaml in any case. You need to save it explicitly, because Notepad++ will not offer to save it on close, and restart the storagenode service either from the Services applet, or from the elevated PowerShell

Restart-Service storagenode

Exactly as described in How do I change values like wallet address or storage capacity? - Node Operator