Uplink ls and uplink ls --recrusive results are different

Continuing the discussion from Delete nested directory (without S3 gateway):

@Alexey, This cool. I should have though of that (although a native rm --recursive would be awesome – I’ll look for a feature request forum).

I don’t quite understand the result set from uplink ls. I’m sure there’s a permission thing going on that I’m missing.

Check this out:

recursive – includes /backups folder

(base) StoneBLMBPro-15:~ $ uplink ls --recursive sj://stoneblmbpro-15/
OBJ 2020-09-18 05:33:34          979 /backups/duplicati-iee04b0cb5cf648e9bd81e9f631f90ec3.dindex.zip
OBJ 2020-09-15 09:38:52     52370612 /backups/duplicati-bcc289dcf4b834444b387d54c2eba87b3.dblock.zip
OBJ 2020-09-15 09:46:31     52418103 /backups/duplicati-bda14b82edd104bdbbeca3d052bc189a7.dblock.zip
OBJ 2020-09-15 06:43:49       349792 /backups/duplicati-b97761f2576534d688a37ea8d8d0f59fb.dblock.zip
OBJ 2020-09-17 15:39:27         3043 testJunk-duplicati-config.json
OBJ 2020-09-14 15:59:57          554 storj_start

not recursive – no /backups folder listed

(base) StoneBLMBPro-15:~ $ uplink ls sj://stoneblmbpro-15/
OBJ 2020-09-17 15:39:27         3043 testJunk-duplicati-config.json
OBJ 2020-09-14 15:59:57          554 storj_start

looking specifically at /backups

(base) StoneBLMBPro-15:~ $ uplink ls  sj://stoneblmbpro-15/backups/
(base) StoneBLMBPro-15:~ $ uplink ls --recursive sj://stoneblmbpro-15/backups/
(base) StoneBLMBPro-15:~ $

Any idea why I can’t see the contents of /backups/ unless I’m doing a total bucket list?

You managed to create an empty prefix with only slash

The normal prefix should not start with /.

I ran a test that was really pedantic to see that I got behavior that I general expected (and I did --see below), I’m not sure how I need up with an PRE named /. It seems like I’m missing an PRE called /backups

Is there an uplink command to make that missing backups PRE?

Also, I tried listing contents of PRE / with uplink ls sj://stoneblmbpro-15// -> I didn’t expect it to work, and it didn’t. How do I get rid of it?

Test Run for my reference.
“normal” file ops seem to work like I expect

Put a file the bucket:

$ uplink cp uninstallD sj://testme

$ uplink ls sj://testme
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:20:20          490 uninstallD

Put a file in a bucket with a prefix (acts like a folder):

$ uplink cp test.txt sj://testme/afolder/test.txt
Created sj://testme/afolder/test.txt

List to see them both

$ uplink ls sj://testme
PRE afolder/
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:20:20          490 uninstallD

$ uplink ls --recursive sj://testme
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:21:19           61 afolder/test.txt
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:20:20          490 uninstallD

Put a couple more files with new and existing PRE

$ uplink cp plugin.html sj://testme/afolder/anotherfolder/plugin.html
Created sj://testme/afolder/anotherfolder/plugin.html

$ uplink cp wcplugin.html  sj://testme/bfolder/wcplugin.html
Created sj://testme/bfolder/wcplugin.html

List and see everything as expected

$ uplink ls sj://testme
PRE afolder/
PRE bfolder/
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:20:20          490 uninstallD

$ uplink ls sj://testme/afolder
PRE afolder/anotherfolder/
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:21:19           61 afolder/test.txt

$ uplink ls --recursive sj://testme/
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:22:59        42022 afolder/anotherfolder/plugin.html
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:21:19           61 afolder/test.txt
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:23:58        54566 bfolder/wcplugin.html
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:20:20          490 uninstallD

$ uplink ls --recursive sj://testme/afolder
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:22:59        42022 afolder/anotherfolder/plugin.html
OBJ 2020-09-26 08:21:19           61 afolder/test.txt

I’m unable to create an empty prefix via uplink, seems it’s possible only via third party tools.
You can’t add a missed prefix, but you can upload data again with a right prefix.
Perhaps in the tool where you created a backup you specified a prefix started with /.

There is two ways how to solve this problem:

  1. Setup an Tardigrade S3 Gateway
    1.1. Install aws cli
    1.2. Setup aws cli to use the Tardigrade S3 Gateway
    1.3. Operate with aws s3 --endpoint http://localhost:7777 with an empty prefix, i.e.
aws s3 --endpoint http://localhost:7777 ls s3://stoneblmbpro-15//
  1. Remove the bucket and create a new one and upload with a right prefix
uplink rb --force sj://stoneblmbpro-15/
uplink mb sj://stoneblmbpro-15

I created an issue

thanks for directing me to --force I’ll do that.

I was setting up duplicati for backups to this bucket. It was successful (based on the list of objects above). I may have done something like use / as the folder path for the backup job:

I’m not positive b/c I have removed that backup job and I was doing some POC type work, and later decided to use /backups as a folder path.

Then please, use a backup path instead of /backup.
Because the /backup has an empty prefix. The first / will be automatically added by library (or S3 Gateway) and your path will be sj://stoneblmbpro-15//backup instead of sj://stoneblmbpro-15/backup thus you will receive the same result with empty prefix.

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